POSTPONED Spring working meet, 14-15 March 2020

@Max_A - sure you can nab a spot in our car, but we won’t be offended if you find a space in another car leaving from South London. I’ll DM you the details.

Thanks Manchi. I got your PM, a lift would be great thank you. Around 6pm is no problem.


Any volunteers to do dinner on Saturday night?

My weekend has unexpectedly freed up so would love to come along (though I appreciate this is fairly last minute)! If anyone had a car space then please get in touch :slightly_smiling_face:

*Please be aware of the potential risks of attending this weekend, to yourself and others. It is clear the virus is serious and that social distancing can reduce the risk of transmission.

*Be aware you will be working and sleeping in close vicinity to others and therefore if someone is carrying the coronavirus, there is a particularly high risk you could become infected. Or if you are carrying it, that you could infect others.

*The risks from coronavirus are very high for older individuals and for those with certain existing medical conditions.

*Please ensure you maintain good hygiene by following the NHS guidelines on the Coronavirus overview page:

  • If you’ve travelled from other countries outside of the UK as per govt guidance or if you have had contact with infected people, please do not attend.

  • Additionally anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms should not attend, however mild those symptoms are.

@George_T , John and me are leaving on Friday from Edgware. We are leaving around 4pm (I’ve to double-check at work when can I leave). Is it ok for you?

Unfortunately I’m on call at work until 5 so wouldn’t be able to make that. Thank you for the offer though

For the record, it is my view that we should be going further than JT is suggesting, and due to the ongoing situation with coronavirus, this meet should be cancelled entirely.

The PHE and governmental responses are entirely inadequate: too little, too late, as proved by the experiences of China and Italy already. We should all be engaging in social distancing. Bringing together a group of people who do not work or live together for a weekend introduces many new potential vectors of disease, at a time when we ought to be doing everything we can to ‘flatten the curve’.

I would therefore ask you all to consider not going, as well as more generally engaging in the social distancing practices we all need to be using for the foreseeable future. We are only a matter of time away from being Italy, but it is up to us to slow that down as much as possible.



@johnw1 - If we had to consider reducing the working meet to the minimum people, have you got a list of the “must have” jobs rather than the planned full whack?

Might be the last window before the PHE recommendations become more stringent. I haven’t taken the social distancing approach so far really, went to ME last night for example and my work is only bringing in a WFH rota from next week.

For what it’s worth, my voice as a “peripheral” club member is saying I agree with Paul here. The situation is changing daily, and let’s just say that “changing” does not yet mean “improving”.
Please don’t anybody for a moment think that having promised attendance, your absence would be seen as “using a pandemic as an excuse to not work on the property”.


I second on Paul’s position here.
Is there any tasks planned that cannot wait a week or two or a month?

I’ve committed to go and give a lift to John so I’d don’t want to pull out and ruin the plans but I very much support shifting the working meet by a number of weeks until situation improves.

@Vilius - Assuming it is really only the door code switch over which hopefully Damian could sort out?

The other bits seem to be gearing up to make the cottage and barn nicer for the club members and guests, might be able to wait a bit if we are getting less visitors unless it would cause damage to the hut.

Higher priority at the top:

  1. Door code
  2. Insect mesh
  3. Laundry
  4. Gutters
  5. Drains
  6. Deep clean
  7. Pipe lagging
  8. Septic tank inspection
  9. Tool Reorg

Please read this post to appreciate the severity of the situation

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Not disputing the severity of the situation or that it is going to get much worse. However, this is fairly instructive.

The government are working off a modeled progression of the virus, and are waiting to move to social distancing or lock down phases at the timings where it will have the most impact in ‘flattening the curve’. They talk several times about the critically of timing, and that to move too soon risks a deferred, secondary peak in infections as they assume the public will only comply with restrictions for so long.

So, IMO, they expect to see this thing run, and are looking for a managed, manageable progression of Covid-19 in the hope that it doesn’t overrun the health service.

Undoubtedly it has now become a numbers game, and somewhere in their thinking is a trade off between the social and economic impacts from containment measures vs. the mortality statistics. I think the Government knows the hard choices highlighted in this article are coming (even if they are reassuring the public that they aren’t) and there is some fairly hard-headed logic behind the approach they are taking and why they aren’t mandating lock-down yet.

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Thanks, Paul. Before I get stuck in, could you tell me about the author / credentials?

Balancing health v economy, what’s your take on the right balance?

Many thanks


It’s a good well written article that presents its arguments carefully and considerately and makes some good points. Interesting appraisal of the different metrics too and their various pitfalls.

It’ll be interesting to see how it progresses, lots of interesting things going on in Government and a lot of impossible questions people are attempting to answer. Book your flights on credit cards.

Top rope soloing and solo bouldering for now, right?

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@Max_A - good points. Still, we can do our bit before lockdown kicks in. And we should.

@imelda - since posting that, it’s been pointed out to me that the guy is a mathematician rather than an epidemiologist, so his model is only one model and things may well not be as bad as he says. But, they are likely still bad.

On China’s quarantine though. A journo/photography friend of mine was in Garze, Tibet and it seemed truly desperate.

After 30 days she decided to leave, people were starving (thankfully they don’t use much loo roll) and she had to take 6 flights back to the US (usually 2)!

There is no chance we could replicate Chinese levels of quarantine. Those were enforced via martial law under an authoritarian dictatorship. Conclusion: it is going to be worse here.

Paul you should check the UKC forums. “tom_in_edinburgh” on a thread titled “Free iWatches for Coronavirus” is on a bit of a crusade to have everyone electronically monitored, apparently by the end of the weekend. I can’t tell if it is a very dry spoof with him holding his nerve spectacularly, or not.