New Members meet 27-28 April 2019

Hi, will be driving Friday afternoon with 2 spaces available ( leaving from east London). Let me know if you need a lift.

Hi Ilyass. That’d be great if you could! What time are you hoping to leave?

Probably around 3.30 depending on work that day!

3:30 on friday sounds fantastic - would love a lift if you’ve still got space left…

sweet! let’s arrange where we meet closer to the date. @RichardLL should I count you in the car also?

I guess fuel costs are shared, which is quite right. Many years ago one club member tried to charge passengers a share for tyre wear, oil, servicing costs etc. etc. Needless to say he wasn’t very popular.

Yes please Ilyass. I can make that work!

@Ladislav @Ethanjenkins09 I checked with @willboxall, we would be looking to meet in Crouch End on Thurs at 6:30 PM. Pick up spot to be confirmed.

@Swill_Fully - Sorry Lucy, there is only room for 3 passengers plus kit in the car. Will keep you in mind if someone drops out though.

Does anyone leaving from the big smoke on Friday eve NOT have a full car?

I can bring muffins (maybe) and cheesy jokes.

I’ll probably be driving up Friday afternoon/eve, from Acton area?

Eeek, I thought that lifts were going to be sorted out nearer the time from the spreadsheet, so I haven’t jumped on any of these offers. Can someone reassure me, or should I just find a lift myself?

Sounds swell to me!

Keep me in the loop.

Sally, don’t fear, that’s usually the way it works. Holly should confirm though.

Panic not! I’ll be sorting through all the car shares, accommodation and food mayhem this weekend! It’s gonna be a bit of a party :smiley:

Hi Dan,

Is it possible to grab a lift with you?



Unfortunately I’m going to have to pull out. Have had to move some shifts about as I have assessments and interviews at the start of that week for a new job meaning I’ll now be working the Fri/Sat

Will be about to meet some of you soon though!

Sorry to hear that, but hope you can make it to a weekly meetup soon anyway.

OK dokey, I have done some spreadsheeting and would like to suggest the following re lifts still needing arranging…

RobertL takes Victor, @Swill_Fully and Roisin on Thursday eve.
@Max_A takes @bullopolis plus 2 others Friday morning if poss, south London
@Dan takes @jaeyeonoh1988 plus 2 others Friday 6pm from Acton

The following drivers also have spaces:
@dabarlow - Friday 6pm from Oakwood station
@Peter Harris - Friday 6pm from Oakwood station
@Aidan - Friday 7pm from Perivale
@adam_b - Friday 7pm from Brentford/South Action

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So please can the following people decide which driver best suits their departure plan and reply to this thread or add to the spreadsheet
@jrtomlins @L_Pio @SallyMoss @Tom_Blake @Miranda @katy_c @LIon @vittoria_camisassi @Karissa_Singh

@Swill_Fully - regarding travelling back on Saturday evening, the last train from Betws y Coed to Euston is at 18.04…I don’t think anyone is driving back that night currently.

Hope this makes sense!

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Thanks Holly to sort this out.

A lift from Oakwood station with @dabarlow or @Peter would be great for me please :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

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