Mile End Wednesday Night Meets

Hi all,

I want to join a session in the Mile end for the first time. Which Wednesday will be good to do it and to find there any people from the club? thank you!

Hi Polina,
I think we’re a bit thin on the ground on Wednesdays at the moment, lots of people away! But I think there’ll be some of us around next week if that works for you?

Thank you Sarah,
I plan to attend Monday meeting in Castle next week , will write in this chat , thank you!

is anyone climbing at Mile end tonight?


Mile end Revival. At least Mark and myself will go there tomorrow and will be in the traditional pub, the Palm tree, afterwards.

Everybody should come and join, especially if you haven’t been there. Meet at Mile End at 7PM

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Hi all,

Interested in joining the group. Will anyone be climbing at Mile End next Wednesday (23rd)?
Also is this typically rope or bouldering?

Is anyone lead climbing at mile end tonight? 16th August



Is anyone at the mile end wall this evening?

I’ll be bouldering/on the autobelay in blue shorts and wearing a pair of katanas.


Hi all,

I’m new interested in joining NLMC. It looks this this is thread isn’t used much anymore. Will anyone be climbing at Mile End today or Wednesday?


Hey, I will be on Wednesday, although will mostly be in the gym or on the auto belays if it’s not too busy as rehabbing my shoulder. But happy to say hi if that’s of use

Hi, I’m also new and interested to join the club. What time will you be in Mile End tomorrow?

Was also curious to understand if it’s still common for club members to hang up at Mile End, as it looks the Castle thread is much more active.

I’m aiming 6ish, a couple of others are aiming 7 i think. The Wednesday meet is defo smaller, there’s probably only 4/5 of us that go most Wednesdays, Monday meet at the castle is bigger.

Great, I aim to be there around 6.30/7. I guess I’ll ask the reception to point me to NLMC members. Just in case I’ll be wearing white sweater, black trousers and a pair of Scarpa Veloce.

Looking forward to meet you guys :grin:

I’m aiming to be there tonight too - but probably won’t get there til around 8. So might miss the rest of you. Not organised enough to know what I’ll be wearing!

I’ll be in purple 3rd rock trousers & blue jumper

The club keeps meeting at Mile End and we’ve been there the last couple of weeks, but tonight maybe more people will be at London Fields. Discussion is mostly not in this chat. If anyone wants to meet up, ask first.

I’m back for a memory lane trip. Escape valentine’s night and come say hello. Would love to meet up with anyone who hasn’t been along for a while and new people too.

I know we’ve lost the Peggy Day wall (too bad, but I only really ever did one circuit before going through to climb actual problems). I hope the Palm Tree is still there and willing to look after our bikes in the back room as well.

Shout if you can come. :grinning:

Hey there, I’ve just joined the group but have been climbing & hiking avidly for a couple of years now, just wondering if this group is still active and people are still meeting??

Hi James,

Yes the group is still active. A few of us meet Wednesdays at Mile End, a bigger group meet Mondays at the castle and then we have lots of meets scheduled at the weekends at various outdoor venues

Anyone around on Wednesday (tomorrow)? Could also do castle if that helps…