Home training thread and workout suggestions?

I ordered a 1/4 sheet of plywood from wickes for some DIY bits. Arrived today whilst I was out for a run, Jo called me to say it was too big for her to carry in :thinking:

Turns out they delivered a full 2.4m by 1.2m sheet instead…

In Barking but could meet in a park midway if you can help me use some of it? :see_no_evil: Could cut you two pieces so you can double layer it.

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This scenarios was exactly what I suspected would happen if I tried ordering online: “Here’s your minimum order of 5 2.4x1.2 sheets, have fun” :smiley:

Thanks, that’s perfect. I’ll ping you on whatsapp to arrange the details.


Or you can use a removeable fixing like https://rockrun.com/blogs/the-flash-rock-run-blog/how-to-fit-a-removable-fingerboard?goal=0_aab826b63c-2add6ff171-156429621&mc_cid=2add6ff171&mc_eid=c97b1d2bbb

@dabarlow - Shhh!!! Don’t give him any ideas, I nearly managed to give away a bit of it… :rofl:

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Made some 14” high parallettes as I’m not strong enough to stop my feet getting caught on some transitions with the shorter ones (i.e. shoulder press to tuck).

A tiny bit squint but very solid and passed a “bounce” test of my body weight on them. Also succeed in using a circular and jigsaw without joining the Tommy Caldwell club…



Well done Mark. They look great!

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Nice! How thick is the dowel?

I finished my campus board today. I seem to have created a bit of a monster - entirely small and extra small rungs may have been ambitious - but I’ve also got 4 30x30 triangles of ply left which I’m intending at some point to use with some spare wood and a 25mm metal tube to make some parallettes…


@Mark_W and @ajmorris228 can you make these to order? Just askin…

@ajmorris228 - That is a monster training board! Looks awesome though.

They are 40mm beech dowels I bought off eBay. Are you in London as I have a couple of spares? Most parallette bars are 38mm thick and still very hard on your wrists, the 25mm ones would be tear inducing :cry:

For the end pieces you would want a minimum thickness of about 36mm, so glued 18mm pieces. I’m trying to make another set out of the extra ply I have knocking about. If you went for only 18mm they might not be strong enough.

@PaulSagar - I need to see how much plywood and 100mm screws I have left but there is a chance I have enough for two more pairs (one already with someone in mind) if you are OK to wait it out and see what happens?

Still have 2 leftover 40mm x 1.0m beech dowels with that, so you could always give it a go yourself? Just need a 2x4, hand saw, wood glue, drill, big screws and a 40mm hole saw/spade bit (£8 on eBay?).

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@Mark_W - I’m a South coast expat, based in Poole, so a bit far from you! I had been thinking of putting some foam round the tubing to pad it out, I should have thought of eBay when looking at this obviously! To make 2 parallettes and have the uprights as thick as you suggest is going to involve picking through my scrap wood collection to do a wood/ply combo: I’ve no more ply to spare and I don’t fancy buying any more at the minute just for this.

@PaulSagar - I’m not sure what would be harder - persuading my wife that I really needed to duck my share of parenting to build you a campus board, or finding campus rungs left in stock to mount on it :rofl: more seriously I can sketch out plans should you wish to replicate it…


@ajmorris228 - I have a spare pair of 40mmx500mm dowels and a hole saw I could post out to you?

Completely understand if you have too much one or are focusing on outdoor climbing/job stuff/parenting now things are a bit different.

Anyone else fancy having a go at making some?

I will put a post on my old kettlebell gym page as well as I won’t use the dowel for anything else otherwise.

Hi Mark, sorry for delayed reply, got distracted by work :frowning:

Anyway, if they’re still available then yeah I’d still be keen to try to make some - just let me know.


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Awesome, will send you an email to sort out the details etc. :+1:

Lockdown II / Yoga for climbers (Zoom) / Gauging interest

Me again. I’d like to canvass interest in the above. I have someone lined up who is good and can deliver a tailored class for climbers £4 a pop.

If I said Monday 1930 for an hours yoga in the normal Castle slot (time for a cold compress pre “beer” after) who would be interested in that?

Potentially she could do Wed as well if sufficient interest. One step at a time.

Maybe we could marshal say 10 folk to make it worth her while?

Please respond if interested.

PS Matt has promised not to do the full splits. At least not on the first session.

Far too broken to manage anything like splits at the moment…I would still be interested though.

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Hello Gareth. Good idea. I’d give it a go. Never done yoga properly. Would that work or are you looking for a competent group?

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Competence absolutely not required…for anyone of anyone level…just sit out anything you can’t do. I certainly will be. Could be viewed as just a good stretching session.

Let’s see if any more interest over the next few days and see how numbers look.

Thanks guys

Ooo I’d definitely be interested in joining this over lockdown, thank you for suggesting it. My ankle is still healing, so I’ll be terrible at the balance-on-one-foot moves - but it will be great physio!

I’m afraid Paul is a firm no (I tried and failed to get him into yoga in Lockdown I)!

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