Home training thread and workout suggestions?

I like how this sentence also makes perfect sense if you reverse it.

Paul, impressive that you can get still get hungover in these socially distanced times!

I fully threw up into the toilet.

Mixed feelings about this because I had gorged on a massive takeaway earlier on. And bulimia is one way to get to 7c. Maybe.

Only if the body the bulimia reveals is in suitable shape for it!

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Jerry Moffatt always reckoned carefully timed food poisoning worked for him. But then most 80s dirtbag climbers couldn’t afford food anyway.

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Tigger’s new training regime is lifting up and down and repeated placing my 2 new Valley Giant cams

. The former exercises the biceps and the latter the forearms.The previously perceived-as-large green Friend 6 just wasn’t cutting it.


You’ll need to train a fair bit so you’re able to place them without falling off David. You’ll need a strong core to stay in balance.

The mini parallettes I ordered arrived today, could do dips and crow OK but the L-sits were a lot spicier! :joy:

Anyone got some workout suggestions or tips on using them, what kind of volume or exercises would be recommended? Saw this from a guy on YouTube who climbs as a beginner intro.

The idea of some of those planche transitions being for beginners is definitely ambitious!
I think most of the other exercises develop from L-sits, once you can hold them for a while you can start trying to move your weight around. Have you seen the bodyweightfitness sub on reddit? There’s lots of stuff there, some of which may be bollocks…


@Sarah_Rae - I know, made me feel like I was starting out climbing again and thinking how on earth do they make it look so easy! :thinking:

Cheers for the link, I will take a look tonight.

Actually had a Zoom call with one of the Calisthenics coaches from my old gym this morning to get some basics feedback and progressions/strength building homework. It was really useful if a little daunting and I only fell on my head once…

This is interesting. I’ve been working on my bodyweight exercises so might incorporate the beginner L-sit too.

Hangboard: this may be a contender for an ‘ask a silly question award’ but what’s the optimal height to put these things at in folks’ experience? By which I mean is it helpful to be able to still be on tiptoes while [getting used to] some holds or do you just launch onto it in some massive dyno move and sink or swim on the holes you’ve chosen

At least a couple of inches above head height or you’ll smack your head on it.


Ideally, I’d say so you can reach all the holds at arm’s reach from the ground as that allows you to sag into the holds in a smooth way, but far enough from the ceiling that you can still lock at the top of a pullup without bashing your head.

If there’s not enough ceiling clearance then I’d go lower but probably not so far that you have to crunch yourself up awkwardly to get your feet off the floor (this would be an unlikely height, admittedly!)

@GarethA - also worth mounting it over a doorway or making a frame to have it proud of the wall. You don’t want it flush on a wall as it make it harder.

Other option is to mount in a corner with the heavy backing board spanning the diagonal.

Thanks x 3

Not flush - hadn’t thought of that - extra dimension. It’s probably going in the garage as my flat appears to be mostly made of papier-mache, so don’t have a height restriction really

Yes - just this, You also don’t want it to be too much of a stretch reaching the jugs on top, as much harder and risking injury to pull on from fully extended arms/ shoulders. Comfortably reaching them on tippy toes allowing for scapular engagement is good.

In practice, the bottom of my board is a little lower than the lintel of the door.

I have mine above a door frame but have to stand on a stool to reach :grin: Which is actually quite helpful for assisted hanging/endurance type stuff, as I can keep toes on the stool. Otherwise I step off the stool gently when I want to hang free.


@Mark_W no regrets buying that drill. Goes through brick garages like a micronut through sandstone.

Training holds are up and contrary to your cynical commentry the neighbors were very helpful and Kasia’s only comment was “very clever”. :grin::sunglasses::grin:

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Re: Mounting fingerboards: Just got my fingerboard, but it seems there’s no safe way to fix it above a door without a backing board of some sort. And all places that sell timber are closed for at least a month :frowning:

Anyone around North have a scrap piece of OSB / wooden board, about 90x30 (or more) I could fetch while maintaining social distancing?