Home training thread and workout suggestions?

@PaulSagar Is that a partition or plasterboard and stud wall? Just picturing you trying max hangs with a 32kg kettlebell…

If you have a jigsaw and can get a half sheet of 18mm plywood delivered you could build yourself one of these? You do need to make sure your door trims are very securely fixed though.


Other option is to fix a much larger backing board with 9-12 fixings which rests on the door trim lip if it is solid brick.

I see your science and I raise you just trying again with loads more screws


Or see https://rockrun.com/blogs/the-flash-rock-run-blog/how-to-fit-a-removable-fingerboard?goal=0_aab826b63c-2add6ff171-156429621&mc_cid=2add6ff171&mc_eid=c97b1d2bbb

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i hope my table is stable enough

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Having done a proper traverse of my table, I strongly recommend wearing your climbing shoes! Heel hooks in bare feet do not work so well.


Post the video, it’s really cool!


Does it work? Can’t seem to play it…

Edit: now it works

I can confirm hanging upside down on a table is pretty pumpy.

Getting round the corners makes for great toe and heel hooking practice.

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And exceptional for getting a massive forearm pump. Not many of the exercises I do at home recreate that!

That’s a whole youtube channel right there - fantastic.

I have a glass table - that’s my excuse.

I have a wobbly table with thin legs that my other half is currently using as her office desk… Well impressed though, might try some inverted rows on my pull-up bar with my feet propped up high.

Made a 10” tall exercise stepper/jumping bench from scrap wood I had knocking about. Really solid with the noggin/corner braces. Mainly for my wife to use and to see if I might fancy a full on plyo box if the isolation goes on a bit…



The crack trainer has arrived!!!


I made my own pinch blocks!


I did yoga yesterday and was nearly sick


Effort, or self-loathing at finding yourself doing it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:?

Both, plus massive hangover

Have you pulled off your fingerboard again yet?

You’ll regret the drinking if you look back and realise you squandered a golden opportunity to get really strong by being hungover! 7b/c/x won’t climb itself! :smiley:

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