Castle Monday Night Meets

Thanks :slight_smile: . I’ll be in the engine room lead/autos in a moon climbing vest. A lamb separated from the herd.

Hey everyone, I’m relatively new to the group and have so far just climbed at Mile End on Wednesdays. It would be lovely to meet some more of you :slight_smile:

Will anyone be climbing at the castle tomorrow afternoon/evening?

Hi Olivia,

I will be around tonight from 5-5:30pm, wearing black shorts and grey/white stripy T-shirt.
I am not sure there will be much people around though as a lot just came back from the alps and others were in Cornwall for the weekend…

Hi Matt, something came up and I won’t be able to make it tonight, but thanks for letting me know, hope to meet you next week if you’re there :slight_smile:

No worries! I will be in the Alps next week, but I am sure plenty will be back :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, I’m new here and was wondering if anyone would be going to the Castle on Monday? I usually climb at Mile End because it’s closer to me but my schedule has freed up a bit!

Hi Sam, should be plenty of us there on Monday, usually in the upstairs lead area initially. I certainly will be.

Fab, what sort of time will people be there?

I’d imagine from 6ish there will definitely be some of us there. If no one is obviously about try Wells 1&2 as it was re-set recently.

Hey everyone, I usually climb at Mile End and will also be my first Monday meet. I’ll also arrive around 6ish :slight_smile: Looking forward to meeting some of you!

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As Matthias is off in the Alps, come and look for me. Dark green shorts, red t-shirt with white logo.

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I’ll be there with rope. Blue shorts. Vest

Just arrived -red vest and black trousers (looking lost!)

Hello, are people bouldering at the castle tonight?

Hmm, I may come over.

Anyone down the castle tomorrow (Monday) night?

Hello! Anyone climbing at the castle tonight?

yes, likely, I will be there

Hi, My name is Ethan, I was interested in joining NLMC and meeting some poeple at the castle on monday, Matt Sotiras suggested I post in here. i’ll probably be there around 6ish? Looking foward to meeting everyone

Hi Ethan,
I had planned to come tonight, but stuck at work unfortunately and still jet lagged… I won’t make it next week either on the Monday but maybe another day of the week.
Sorry about this!