Castle Monday Night Meets

me too! i’ll have rope. green shorts.

I will be early, some time between 4-5pm.
See you there.

Should be there around 6ish as well, and will bring a rope.

Hey guys!

I’ll be there around 6-6:30 on Monday :slight_smile: Looking forward to meeting you all.

Should be there also. 6ish, with rope, red club t-shirt


Aiming to be there too - but probably not til 7-ish.

I will be there tonight as well, with a red club teeshirt, but will be climbing with Geoff!

I might be heading to the castle tomorrow if anyone wants to start the weekend off with a climb? No worries if not I can always do some Bouldering

I’ll be there about mid morning tomorrow, would be up for some lead climbing

i’ll be there later with rope. blue patterned shorts

Me too, see ya later

I’ll be there tonight - white t-shirt, olive shorts and a blue rope that’s far too long for indoors :joy:

Anyone at Castle bouldering?

I’ll be there tonight with my shiny new wall rope! From 5.30ish

Hi hoping to join the club. Was wondering if anyone will be at the castle tonight?

Oh well I’ll definitely be there now. Yellow Antigua t-shirt just to rub it in for those of you who didn’t go to the Caribbean so far this year…


Already at the castle. Come grab me, orange tshirt & blue jeans.
Will disappear by 3pm.

I’ll be along as well, hopefully there around 6.30

I was planning to come but work has got other plans for me tonight I’m afraid… have fun y’all!