Castle Monday Night Meets

Already here, working away on my laptop.

Anyone around tonight?

I can’t make tonight I’m afraid. Coming down with whatever is going around

Ah bummer. Hope you feel better soon. I’ll jump in some auto belays and see if anyone turns up

Anyone planning to come tonight?

I should be here for the first time in a while on a Monday night! :joy:

I will be climbing with Phil, probably in the old cafe area after 6:45 if anyone is about.

Hi All,
I’m new to the club and keen to get involved. Is anyone planning on going to the Castle tomorrow?

Hi Liam, I should be there from about 6ish hopefully, red club t-shirt, upstairs lead area

Brill, see you there Matt!

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I’m planning on coming too this evening (shock horror) :slight_smile:

I’m here now on the sofa at the lead area sorry if I’ve been oblivious and have missed you :slight_smile:

Anyone going bouldering tomorrow? What time?

i’ll be at the wall tonight with my rope. :grin:

It’s been ages Martin! Hoping to get there as well tonight.

Hey everyone been a hot minute since I was last at the castle in a Monday. Anyone heading down tonight?

I’ll be there and have got my rope.

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I’ll be at the castle today. Flexible on time. Let me know if you want to join lead climb.

There are tube strikes next week, just in case it affects anyone’s journey in on Monday, or that week.


I’m looking to join the North London Mountaineering Club. I’ve been in the University of London Mountaineering Club for a few years and before that had been climbing for a couple of years. I’ve done several outdoor trips - both sport and trad. My favourite route is the Amphitheatre Buttress in North Wales. The hardest route I’ve led is VS. I’ve also done some alpine climbing in the French alps, around Glacier Blanc.

I’m always happy to lead, i’m always happy to drive and always happy to cook :slight_smile: So please drag me along on trips

If people could let me know when they will be at the Castle, that would be great. I’m looking to get two supporting members for my application to NLMC.

See you guys soon! Gavin

Tube Strikes called off! Hurrah. I’ll be there tomorrow from 6ish. Gavin, hi there, let me know if you will be around so you can introduce yourself :slight_smile: