Castle Monday Night Meets

There in 45, wearing green leggings and a navy t shirt!

Where to look for everyone?

Just arrived, warming up in the downstairs autobelay room :blush:

Hey Ian, any chance youā€™ll be at the Castle this coming Monday, 11 September? Would you mind bringing the water bottle if so? :pray:

I should be there next monday and can bring your water bottle. Will let you know if I canā€™t make it though.

Thank you so much Ian, I really appreciate it!!

Hello Monday climbers! Just a note to say tomorrow Iā€™ll be at the wall for my final pre-emigration climb! Hope to see some of you there and for a drink after :blush:

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@Tilly_F Blimey Oā€™Riely!..thats come round quick! will be there. for people who dont know me, black shorts grey vest, grey hair!
Will be there with my ropeā€¦:grin:

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What sort of time will people be climbing this afternoon/eve :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there! Iā€™m a regular lead climber at the castle and was hoping to join in today with the aim to sign up. Someone will need to double check my belaying? Thanks, looking forward to it, hopefully itā€™s possible. If not, Iā€™ll go to the Castle-run top roping session today and try another time. :slight_smile:

Hi guys, should be there from 6:30ish, happy to check belaying if needed. Blue club t-shirt.

So sad!!
I cannot come climbing today. I will try to get to the pub on the way back.

Iā€™ll be there this evening. Reddish brown long shorts and black vest top. There from 6:30

A reminder for anyone going to the New Members Meet next weekend, we still need volunteers to buy and cook food. If you can help out with either buying or cooking, please post on the NMM chat thread.

Iā€™ll be at the wall tonight as usual. 6ish. rope etc. :grin:

Couldnā€™t be there tonight as I was too busy giving rope and gear a bath following a weekend realising Iā€™m starting to get cosy at 4c and should start looking at 5s on the cliffs at Rhosili. Hoping to make it next week, it Iā€™m not too dead after bashing some Explorer Sdouts on am exped over the Carneddau this weekend!

Hello hello ā€“ is anyone getting to the Castle early-ish, like 5:30? If so see you there!

Hi everyone,

Planning to come on Monday to the Castle to learn more about the club. What time does it start and whereabouts do you typically hang out?


Around 18:00 usually, in the so called Cafe Ropes area, Engine House now (the biggest lead wall). Iā€™ll be there, likely in very torn trousers

iā€™ll be at the wall too. black shorts white vest grey hair!