Castle Monday Night Meets

Thanks Roland :slightly_smiling_face:

Would have loved to have had a lead climb with you tomorrow morning, but I can only make it in the afternoon/evening unfortunately. Not sure if that works for you at all, or if anyone else is going later in the day?

either way I hope you have a good climb.

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Oh and thanks for the heads up on the belay checking.

Will any Committee members be around tomorrow?

Hi there, I should be around from 5:30ish but not really climbing as still rehabbing shoulder, can check belaying if you find a partner though
(Despite the description I am in fact a Committee Member…!)

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Really appreciate the offer! Hope I can find someone to climb with :slightly_smiling_face: and that your shoulder is healing up well.

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Looks like I don’t know anyone climbing this evening, thanks anyway.

Is anyone planning on going to the Castle this Monday? I’m new to the group and wouldn’t mind meeting some people to climb with.

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I’ll be there :slight_smile: im also new.

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Hi guys I should be there although as noted elsewhere I’m not climbing much at present, however I can check belaying and answer questions :slightly_smiling_face:
6ish in the upstairs lead area, red club t-shirt :+1:

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Nice one! What time are you going? I’m off Monday so I can go anytime.

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im going to aim for 5pm or so. I’ll provably spend 10 mins warming up on the autos.

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I Will also be there tomorrow, will get there around 17:00/18:00.
Would love to meet some new climbers! I will be doing top rope, unless someone brings a rope for lead :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning, I will be there tonight from 5-6pm. Black short, grey/white stripe teeshirt.
I have a rope!

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I’ll be there tonight ~6:30, blue shorts white t-shirt :slight_smile:

blue shorts yellow montane tshirt here

Anyone here yet? lurking ariund the upstairs lead area

Just got here and getting changed. I’ll come find you in about 5/10 min?

:+1: cool

Should be there from around 7pm tonight! Very jealous of people there now!! I have pink shorts and white t-shirt no pigfish uniform tonight.

In the cafe lead area with Greg

had to shoot owing to a non-regular thing - should see people next monday for longer though