Castle Monday Night Meets

Omw now!

To all new/newish female members or soon-to-be members! I mentioned this to a few people at the Castle last night but posting here too for visibility.

I am running a women-specific outdoor climbing weekend in the Peak on the weekend of 12-13 August, with another female instructor. The aim of the weekend is to build confidence in all things outdoor climbing - from movement and technique on rock, placing trad gear, building anchors, mindfulness, managing fear, perfecting lead belaying, crack climbing, plus of course lots of climbing (on tope-rope, bouldering, and back-up rope if leading)!

More info here: WomenRock weekend 12-13 August 2023 — Holly Peristiani Climbing

Please share with anyone else you think would be interested. For NLMC members I can offer a 20% discount. Please message me for the code.


PS for those who don’t know, I’m a qualified outdoor instructor for any activities on single pitch crags (eg Stanage, rather than multipitch)

Hi all! I’ll be at the gym this evening and will come and climb with the club! Does anyone have any experience with building training programs? I’d love to build a training plan but i’m not super sure where to start! If there was someone I could team up with and train with i’d be super keen to do that! Just posting ahead of coming in case people had ideas!


Howdy howdy…i’ll be down the wall tomorrow with my rope. green ben moon vest, silver fox hair and glasses! see you guys there! :grin:

I’ll be there tonight too :slightly_smiling_face:

Will be around but in the gym as still rehabbing shoulder…will be in pub later for Ailefroide chat as well though!

Laura and I should be there.

I am aiming to show my face, but I have no rope :confused:

I’m aiming to be there - probably with rope but probably not very early - 7.30-ish.

I can’t make today, but see you all next Monday! :smiley:

On my way in a moment. See you there about 6.30! Got a rope.

For any newbies I’m in light blue shorts and a black vest top

Coming now where will you guys be? :blush::blush:

Main lead wall currently

Just got here! Have a rope as well :facepunch:

How do. I’ll be down the wall tonight, with rope. blue shorts.

I’m also there this evening. Red NLMC t-shirt :blush:

We are at the cafe lead area, for those looking for climbing buddies

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Hello! Hopeful prospective member here. Would love to join for a session this coming Monday 24 July, and can hopefully have my belaying checked by two kind volunteers. Happy to bring rope.

Hi Kristina, there should be plenty of us there from about 6ish, main lead area. I’ll be along later (but only for some weights as I am rehabbing a shoulder injury :unamused: ) but I’m sure someone will be around if you ask.