Hi all,
it is the Autumn Working Meet in less than a month at the Cottage. It will be held on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October. We have a varied set of jobs including finishing the Shed roofing, starting to clear out and sort the Shed, stacking next year’s firewood, building shelves in the Barn, sweeping both chimleys, giving the grass and weeds a strim, clearing all gutters and Arco drains, deep-cleaning and painting work at both barn and cottage, electrical works, gas bottle run, plumbing work and laundering pillows and mattress covers.
Damian has been doing a great job on the caretaking front, but working meets are as important as ever in keeping the properties up to spec, and for making improvements -especially jobs where many hands make light work. We are really lucky to have two properties but without well-attended working meets they won’t stay in a good state for long. All members are welcome, and there will be jobs to suit all abilities and skills. All tools and materials will be provided.
As usual nowadays there will be a communal breakfast of bacon/egg/sausage baps on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Milk will be provided. There will a communal meal at the Cottage on the Saturday night -if anyone would like to volunteer as cook or assistant cook, please let me know! We have the new oven so options are limitless (ish).
You will need to bring food for Friday night, lunches and snacks, and any drink.
Past working meets have been really enjoyable social weekends, I hope to see as many of you there as possible. If you can come then please let me know here so we can get an idea of numbers and make sure we have enough tools, and if anyone has any particular skills or a van then do let us know! Likewise if anyone has any specific dietary requirements, allergies or injuries that preclude them from carrying slates up the track!
The past few Working Meets have been well attended and we have completed most of the jobs on the Saturday and have cleaned the Cottage and gone climbing on the Sunday, and there is every chance we will do the same this meet.
Please don’t come to the Cottage on this weekend if you are not helping on the Working Meet.
If anyone needs or can offer lifts then please also post and we can sort out some car-shares. I’ll sort a spreadsheet when I workout how!
EDIT: Here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GNs8K9e9R-n9iWbhR_s0ALg3ZKCaUGPIAa1P4msgQ2o/edit?usp=sharing
If you have any allergies or medical issues etc please PM me in confidence,
see you at the Cottage,