Yorkshire Meet 2024 - 4-6th May

Didn’t get your fill of grit in the Peak District? Yorkshire beckons! Hopefully an early May trip will keep us from melting off the rock like last year. There are plenty of grit crags, Almscliff, Brimham and Rylstone to mention just a few, and some limestone at Gigglesworth North and South about an hour drive away from the campsite which I believe @Peter and a few others found well worth the trip.

I’ve contacted the usual campsite (Westfield Caravan Park) and should be able to confirm whether we’ve got a spot in the next couple of days.

Meet type: Trad single pitch, sport and/or bouldering

When: 4-6th May 2024

Location: Yorkshire Dales between Harrogate and Skipton.

Skills & Experience level: Basic - Lead belaying. Single pitch and walk off the back mainly.

Equipment required: Basic, it’s single pitch trad or bouldering. Abseiling kit is useful but unlikely to be necessary (helmet, harness, belay device, rock shoes, personal anchor and prussik loops (x2) and ideally some additional personal kit (slings, carabiners). You’ll get away with a 30m single rope on most things. Main route guide is Rockfax: Northern England.

Accommodation: Westfield Caravan Park (pending confirmation)
Westfield Farm Caravan Park 7
54.093220811943425, -1.802581858064764

Transport: As usual please look at the sign-up sheet and arrange transportation, best is to direct message those with cars to reserve your spot and update the spreadsheet accordingly

Sign up sheet: NLMC Yorkshire Meet - 4-6th May 2024 - Google Sheets


Nice one Ben. Worth noting that (if we use Westfield) the farmer at Westfield gets very grumpy if we don’t have all his cash ready on hand when he comes round on Saturday morning, so please bring cash and give it to Ben when you arrive!

Sounds excellent. I’m a fairly new member of the club, keen to join ! I’m likely to be free to climb on the Friday 3 May too if anybody is going up early. Usually climb HVS, E1 later in the summer!

Just added my name to the list.

Thanks Ben, I’ve added my name to the list too. I’m looking to get more trad leading experience in after the new members meet.

Lucy, I saw on the spreadsheet you are leaving from Bethnal Green. Do you still have space in the car?

Same question for me. I’ve provisionally put Ilyass and I in your car Lucy.

No response from the camp site. I tried calling again today. I’m going to look at alternative accommodation tonight. Does anyone know of any other good ones in the area?

Lodge Farm perhaps? Stick camping into Google maps while looking at the Harrogate area and quite a few appear.

I think we’ve used Breaks Fold Farm before https://www.breaksfoldfarm.co.uk/ .

@BenWhetton @IlyassM that’s fine! I’ll make a Whatsapp nearer the time

@BenWhetton it was actually Twistleton Scars that we visited last year, as opposed to Giggleswick; we had a good day and I would probably be up for a return this year :slightly_smiling_face:

If some of you happen to be in Twistelton Scar (that I hope to give it a go one day) on the Saturday, come and say hi near the Three Peaks! I will be running there between 6am and 6pm…!


So would I!

I managed to get through to Westfield Caravan Park today. We’re booked in! It’s £8 per person per night. Please bring cash as @MattGee mentioned above.


Can I come along? :kangaroo::kangaroo:

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Are we going for curry or something on Sat/Sun evening? I’m gonna pack just 3 lunches and brekkies in that case.

I’m going to have my pizza oven with me so could do pizzas one night if the numbers dont dramatically increase.


That sounds amazing, presumably an Ooni? Hopefully the numbers are reasonable for that.

Pizzas would be excellent! If we bring a few extra chopping boards etc, people can chip in and get the prep it done in no time.

We usually have an evening meal at a local pub. Last year we ate at the Square and Compass in North Rigton, and I think we’ve been to the Bridge Inn at Pateley Bridge before. Any volunteers for organising an evening pub meal? Saturday eve weather forecast currently looks decent, so maybe we aim for pizza Saturday and pub Sunday, unless anyone has objections to that plan?

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