Virtual Drinks - Monday 21:00

This chat is spectaculalry unchatty I must say. It’s as if you had an apocalypse to prepare for.

I am suggesting an experimental virtual drink / catch up opportunity next Monday for a little light relief, eg 2100 Monday, post personal push-ups?

Simple rules -

  1. dial in with a beverage from your hurt locker or home. Laptop or phone.
  2. anyone says the C word will be punished. Somehow.

Is that a plan or will we all be Zoomed-out by then?

Who’s in and I’ll organise?



I wouldn’t say no! Been impressed with Zoom. Where’s our Social Secretary…@LIon ?

Whoops have I trodden on toes - sorry!

Yeah, beware the ferocious Lottie.

I’m in. Is the Zoom thing a video chat? Ie will I need to look vaguely presentable or will my current state of apocalyptic care-free style be acceptable?

You can hide your video and just appear as a name or icon if you want. One person starts the chat and sends a link to everyone else, click on the link. I think you need to download Zoom first though.

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Yes think helpful if you download in advance and do the 2 sec sign up but it’s free.

Yes it’s video chat but I imagine we’re all in our scruffs, though bonus points for climbing related apparel.

Should be able to post a link here or defo via whatsapp

I’m interested. I’ve never heard of Zoom, apart from the ice lolly, but should be able to download, or use WhatsApp!

sounds like a plan

I think we have a quorum, at least to experiment with

Sounds good, think the initiator needs a paid account or it boots you out after 45 minutes?

Obviously assuming it will be quite garrulous.

This scurrilous attempt to encourage early weekday drinking is to be encouraged - I’m in.

I find that Zoom is pretty unmanageable when the number of participants get high - it doesn’t know who to cut through and audio is pretty much indecipherable (based on experience of trying a mass lego project with schoolkids this week). Will try it, and if there’s a live chat thread as well it should work.

Super. Interesting Max - I had a 20 person one the other night and was quite impressed with how it isolated a speaker and prioritised them. No Lego involved. Well let’s give it a go for the free 40/45 mins. Can always start a new session. User experience better on laptop for me thus far though I don’t have the most expensive phone

I’m in. Zoom’s been working for me but it does seem to have a problem with children. Partners welcome as well I hope. I’m assuming NLMC will spring for a committee member to get a paid account for the period of the Corona climbing wall restrictions so that our drinks aren’t limited to 40 minutes. Are we having a hang board session before hand?

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I think Lego should be mandatory for our Zoom ‘meeting’ :smiley:

Hang board during, Khalid. The first to fail buys everyone a beer once we’re out of quarantine

OMG, I don;t want to start my hangboard stuff at 21:00! Can’t we say 20:30 for hanging and 21:00 for drinking. What’s the plan with the lego?

And when are the “Yoga for Climbers” classes starting? Committee?

For Monday’s Hangboard/Lego/Zoom meeting:



Link below to click on (I hope) for 2100 virtual beverage tomorrow Monday post exercise.


  • Climbing apparel
  • A beverage
  • Witty banter

Those who have indicated interest have found themselves on (yet another) whatsapp group JUST for sharing links to join virtual activities as a back up. Let’s not spam that and just use it for gaining connectivity?

Any interlopers feeling unloved tomorrow night my number is 07989 359438. I can’t offer you love (well, depends s’uppose) but I may have the latest URL if this one below goes belly up.

Topic: NLMC Virtual Drinks #1
Time: Mar 30, 2020 09:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 696 869 508


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Nice one Gareth. What do you recommend -
Laptop for best experience?