Pembroke 6/7th Aug

Did anyone notice it’s summer now??! That means Pembroke!

For anyone who hasn’t been before, Pembroke is home to some real world-class sea cliff climbing with the full range of grades so there’s plenty for everyone!

When: 6th/7th August
Where: We’ll stay at Bosherston campsite, it’s cheap and cheerful with a great local pub
How much: It’s £5pppn, I’ll try to collect fees off everyone and pay in a lump so please remember cash!!

Signup here: NLMC Pembroke 2022 - Google Sheets

Please be proactive with transport planning, and thank you as ever to those who offer lifts!


Thanks George, signed up :blush:

Also keen, have Friday 5th and Monday 8th off too :sunglasses: :beers:

Hey! Am I missing something, isnt the weekend the 6th/7th August?

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It is, I am sure George will correct it shortly…he’s been at altitude a lot recently

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Ask and ye shall receive

This looks very tempting. I am not sure if I will be able to go on the friday.
Would people like to stay a couple of days longer ?

Pembroke is awesome BUT Mr Enthusiastic’s declaration of “climbs at all grades” may be a touch too keen.

Pembroke tends not to offer all that much below VS (at least not of quality), and the approaches are usually abseils into tidal ledges (so you need to be able to climb out within a time window). This is great fun but it is also more serious than eg bimbling around Shorn Cliff. So keep that in mind if you haven’t been before.

Also there are unexploded bombs but we don’t talk about those.

It’s the unexploded tins of mackerel that worry me, Mr President :face_vomiting:


You should be worrying about the exploded ones

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Very true, especially re the situation getting to and at the bottom of sea cliffs so thanks for keeping me honest!

For anyone looking for grades below VS it’s worth taking a look at Saddle Head, it’s still an abseil (the scramble’s a sandbag), but is generally friendlier than most of the other crags.

If anyone has concerns about their ability and wants to talk it through then please feel free to reach out to me / any other experienced member directly

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Just looking at the spreadsheet: some of you lot really need to buy cars/learn to drive

Saddlebag has easier stuff

Saddlehead has some good stuff at S/HS, although mostly quite steep for the grade.

I’d be very keen to come but also don’t have a car - happy to hire though if it’s not going to be extortionate…

Saddle head is where I meant, who gave all these crags such similar names?!

Porthclais near st David has easier climbing of quality great severe with easy scramble down.

I’m attempting to round up a Sheffield crew to come too.

I was there last weekend for four days so obviously need to get back soon.

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Love to go but fractured wrist prevents it.

Sorry it hear it Rich, hopefully a speedy recovery!

I propose a mass club ascent of Ultravixens in your honour, Richard