New Members Meet 9-10 April 2022

As I didn’t get any news from the Veggies, I will go with a Sweet Potatoes/Peppers chili!

Cheers Matt
I’ve only got oat milk as the packaging is safer for transport. I’ve had so many bad experiences with spilled milk in the past that I figured it might be safer to buy milk in Capel or Betws-y-Coed rather than spin the wheel of fortune for five hours of driving :joy:
If you’re happy to pick up milk that would be awesome, otherwise if there are people heading up earlier in the day, perhaps they can pick up some milk locally?

Sounds awesome. Happy to be your sous chef.

Yeah, B3’s are probably overkill :joy:. I think its one of those do it in whatever footwear your most comfortable in type things. I did Tryfan Bach in my B2s and they were perfect for it

It’ll have to be Saturday for me as I’m coming up Friday evening. Also, I’m fairly inexperienced so it would probably be best for me to second with an experienced lead.

Thanks! I thing we’ll need all the help we can otherwise, we’ll eat at midnight! :sweat_smile:

Alright, I will keep an eye on the chat if anyone that arrives on friday does the shopping!

@FrenchMatt We can pick up some milk on Friday. How much do you need?

Cheers! I was just thinking of a 1.5 or 2 liter bottle so that there is for everyone who needs milk in their teas. Instead of having small bottles everywhere.


Nope, sorry…

@HollyP thanks for running the new members meet. @Che and I brought along loads of ropes expecting to have to take out some actual new members, but instead we got to go out together which was great. I guess I count as the new member this time. Good bouldering at Crafnant, round the back of the Cottage, great routes on slate and really good limestone on the way home. We got a bunch done.

Answer to the “Michael’s forgotten what whisky he put in his flask” challenge: Old Pulteney


Hi all

Thanks very much for an amazing weekend and @HollyP for organising. It was great to meet you all. I will now get my act together and get my membership application submitted! :slight_smile: Hopefully see you all at the Castle or a future meet soon.

I’ve saved a few photos from the weekend here


That photo of Looning is amazing @Roland_Williams !

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Wonderful meet, so thank you to @HollyP . Thanks for the great photos @Roland_Williams , and thanks for the climbing partnership @mikedlr. And for the food, @FrenchMatt

I left a pair of walking boots at the hut! Is there a place one should post such things?

Oh, and Michael found the guidebook in my car!

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And can’t wait to see your photos from the slate, @HollyP !

I can’t find my orange Rab raincoat… @Roland_Williams @Che @Torsten did I leave it in any of your cars?

Scratch that, found it!

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My round for the thanks!
Thanks @HollyP for organizing indeed, that was such a great weekend, and wished I was still in North Wales and @Ladislav thank you very much for looking after me on Saturday!
Thanks to everyone who helped for the diner, it was a team effort and thank you to @Roland_Williams for organizing the breakfasts!
@mikedlr thanks for the whiskey, and the name. I shall get myself a bottle.

Hope to see you all soon at the castle, another meet and/or at the cottage!


Here’s the link to my photos, hope it works!


two men stare lovingly at sheer rock