New Members Meet 23-24 September 2023

Hi Holly, thanks for this – I can’t seem to find a tab on the spreadsheet for food …?

On the first tab on the right lists people who have dietary requirements :slight_smile:

Just a reminder that we need volunteers to buy food and make food next weekend please. Normally we have a good number offering to help out. No food = no dinner!

If anyone is keen to help but unsure on quantities/ingredients I can help based on previous trips! Just difficult to actually do the shopping without a car :slight_smile:

Holly/Sarah/others, what is the address of the cottage? And where are we likely to be climbing? I could volunteer to buy food and make dinner on Saturday evening or breakfast Sunday morning . But I’m going from work to my hire car on Friday so won’t be possible to get anything in advance. Or if someone else buys food I am happy to help out.

Keen to help with cooking/shopping but not well-versed in catering for dietary requirements.

Happy to propose veggie couscous for Saturday evening and overnight porridge (easy cleanup!) for breakfasts.

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Thanks guys. Ideally the drivers would buy the food and then others can help make it. We don’t want people dragging heavy bags of food around London like we’ve had before :frowning:
@Williamwcyoung @mikedlr @Stephen_Deaville can you also help with shopping please? @Sarah_Rae has offered to help with ideas for ingredients/quantities so please can you organise this between you? :pray:

Sorry, abroad at the moment so haven’t been following along! Happy to buy stuff either in London or when we get up there. Rubbish with food planning but can work with lists/ideas :joy:

Hi All. Apologies but I’m going to have to drop out of this meet. So it’ll be a weekend of Work Now, Climb Later for me.
Hopefully someone from the waiting list can take advantage. I’ll remove my name from the spreadsheet.
Have fun - Cheers,

Hi Holly,
I’m not a confirmed driver yet as I haven’t been able to confirm passengers to share costs. I’m now looking at taking the train to Betsw-y-Coed as a backup plan as I have Friday off work.

Hi guys, I am a little bit lost in the table. Could you advise me who has available space in the car, on Friday evening? Still don’t have a lift. Thank you a lot!

Morning all!
have 3 passenger spaces in my car. I’ll be leaving after work (outside London) can meet everyone in Iver station Elizabeth line if anyone needs a ride. FIY there’s extra charge using Lizzy line, bank card is acceptable
My ETA 17.30 at Iver station.

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Hi all,

I’m happy to help buy food and cook for Saturday night. Idk what the usual vibe is / what’s available to cook with, but I could suggest:

  • pasta pesto w/ cherry tomatoes
    -some kind of grilled or baked chicken for those who want a meat option
  • salad
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In the past we’ve often done a chilli or big vegetarian (chickpea/paneer) curry - cheap and easy to scale up for lots of people and any dietary requirements.

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Bin bag of shame
I left the hut this morning in a hurry and forgot to take out the rubbish (and it’s too late to return, as I’m already in a train). I really hope the hut is still inhabitable by Friday and ready to accept whatever punishment the club chooses. Sorry.

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Well done for owning up. I don’t fancy your chances at escaping some sort of award at the annual dinner!

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Sadly I can no longer make it; working til late evening on Friday so it’s best I skip this one.

Have fun all. I deleted my name from both spreadsheets, so one space clear for those on the waiting list :slight_smile:


Mohamed E.

Hi all, am so sorry and gutted to say that I now can’t make this event . Was looking forward as well! Have a safe and fun time to those who attend! :woman_climbing::grinning:

Hi, I saw a couple spots have opened up to attend so I might try to join if I can find a lift. However, seats in cars look to be sparse. I’ve messaged a couple drivers separately but figured it couldn’t hurt to post here too - do any drivers departing from the greater London area still have spots available? (Of course would be sharing petrol costs etc). If not, I can sit this one out!

I can made a courgette/lime/pistachio cake which works as pudding on Saturday as well as a crag snack whenever!