Mile End Wednesday Night Meets

No worries, also lacking energy myself! Might try and make it along next week instead

Hi, My name is ethan abbe, I was interested in meeting people from the NMLC, ive just moved down to london from edinburgh and was looking to meet other people interested in the outdoors! ill probably be headed to mile end this wendsday if anyone wants to meet?

Hi Ethan,

I hopefully will be. There’s only a small group of us that go to the Wednesday mile and meet as more people go to the castle.

Are you set on it being mile end? Over summer the small group of us who go to the Wednesday Mile End meet have also been going to stronghold at London fields.

No, wherever works, I’ve just been going mostly to the castle and mile end in my spare time since moving down

Hey, a few of us will be at London field stronghold tonight if you are interested in joining?
Let me know so I know to look out for you.