March 2/3 weekend peak meet


What a brilliant weekend. My thanks to Matt, Ben, Anton, Kenny and a special thanks to Peter that did all the leading so that I could be on the rock. Also like to say thank you to all the people from the club that have been climbing with me or supporting me for the last month helping me gaining my confidence again. It was so goooood to be on the rock. Thanks to all of you


Looks like you had a great weekend. And a fantastic result in the rugby too!:+1:

Well done Sergio, great to have you back on rock again :grin: really fun weekend, trashed hands and aching fingers, lovely weather too, cheers all (p.s. shortly after the photo was taken I misread the sequence and logged 2019’s first air miles. Well caught Kenny :clap: Sadly Sergio did not capture this epic moment)

Yes, a cracking weekend for “first rock and first trad of 2019”
Highlights were:

90% of routes done in a T shirt;

Asking without irony “does anyone have any sunblock”;

Doing wax crayon colouring-in at the Scotsman’s Pack at the behest of the staff after they deduced (correctly?) that I was a bit “special” for daring to ask for two tasters :rofl:;

Learning that the start move on Marble ArĂȘte at Stanage is shared with a Severe :flushed:

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Katy can’t come unfortunately. So its just me. Makes us an even number though I suppose.

Speaking of numbers
 definitely keen to join this weekend. Need to start weaning myself back onto real climbing!

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Trying to fill in the Google doc for this coming weekend but it pretends to be going offline after 25 seconds every time (just done it 4 times in a row) and I can’t type that quickly.
I have variable/flexible plans (actually no plans now) this weekend. Usually I travel independently but I can get to very near J23 of the M1 for a pick-up that doesn’t involve a big diversion for anyone, save a few trees and also the underside of my car which got violated by the track to Thorpe Farm :slight_smile:
I am up for some mild trad leading (VS and below) or seconding whatever. One day or two days, all good. Camping or bunkhouse, good. I have plenty of gear and ropes.

I should put a waterproof in as well.

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I think Richard might have a point; I know it’s still a few days away but the forecast is not looking ideal for the Peak District this weekend

Yes the weather looks sh*t. Let’s have a look tomorrow and make a decision?

It looks shocking this weekend, I’m bailing out of climbing as only the caves will be dry. If I’m out it will be at the tor working bens or maybe tons roof

Turns out this weekend isn’t going to work for me in the end. Not just wimping out because of the weather

If I can’t climb, then nobody should climb.

I, for one, welcome the return of winter foulness.

As long we don’t get really large pressure differentials the next few days, the limestone caves will be dry.

Whereabouts are they?

For bouldering, raven tor and stoney mid. Routes, raven tor. Electric quarry at stoney can stay dry in rain too though

So forecast for Sat looks crap and Sunday looks dry so Martin and I are thinking Sunday day trip? It’s cold but preference still for trad.

I can probably fit me, Catrin, Martin and John in our car. We may also be squeezing one of Catrin’s mates so it will be pretty full!


It is possible I may join on Sunday.
