Lake District Meet - 24th - 27th May

Hey all,

Campsite is booked for Lake District. Dalegarth. They have told us that we may get our very own field which is exciting!

Let’s hope the weather is kind to us.


Many thanks for organising this Sian! Are we also planning on doing a pub meal or curry on the Saturday night?

Hi - what normally happens with food on camping-based meets? Do we go for a meal/cook together in the evenings, or just each bring our own supplies for the whole weekend?

Assuming we have booked Dalegarth campsite, they have onsite catering and there are a few pubs close by.

I would think most would eat out but up to you? You would need lunch stuff at least.

Sian, should we book the Boot pub for Saturday and/or Sunday evening? Happy to book it if we know appropriate numbers

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I’d love to join, if possible! I’m a new member but know a few existing members (mainly Omar) - could I join tomorrow / next Monday to get to know you all, and get my belaying checked?

Hi everyone,

long shot here- but will anyone be driving back on Saturday night?



Provisionally booked The Boot pub for Sunday evening (26 May) @ 7pm for 16 people. Please let me know if you can’t make it asap please as we have to give a deposit. 7pm is non negotiable as it’s their last sitting.

They haven’t got space on Saturday so it’s either another pub (likely fully booked) or campsite food and/or BBQ by us?

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Hiya Rich,

Count me out for this one.

Cheers anyway,

I’m likely pulling out of the trip so count me out, thanks!

Hi All,

Looking forward to the Lake District weekend!!

We are staying at Dalegarth Campsite. The address is:
Dalegarth Hall Cottage
CA19 1TF

Please take a look at their recommendations in terms of access Contact – Dalegarth Campsite. It is strongly advised that you approach us from the A595 main coastal road or via Ulpha and not via Hardknott pass…

Thanks to Rich for booking the Old Boot Inn, Eskdale for dinner on Sunday evening.

@Seth B we would typically go somewhere all together for one evening and then sort yourself out / do a big group dinner for the other evening. I’d be tempted to suggest we use the Herdy Hut Trailer on Saturday night as it will be much less faff than organising a bbq (Herdy hut prefer cash). That said, don’t wanna pee on anyone’s bbq dreams so bring the grill if you fancy!

Other than that, it’s a sort yourself out kinnda situation. Eskdale isn’t massive and i’ve no idea what the shop situation will be so bring provisions to cover the entire weekend for lunches etc.

@Hannah hi welcome! By all means get a belay check and put your name on the spreadsheet (pinned to the top of the chat).

If you are no longer able to make the meet can you delete yourself from the spreadsheet so I can keep track of numbers for the site.

Would be a good idea to start organising travel and lift shares (I’ll leave you all to do that yourselves)

@Fergus thank you so much for the offer of a lift home, unfortunately I have to leave early on Monday and return my parents campervan, so will get a train back to London. If anyone else needs to leave early on the Monday I will be driving to the station in Grange-over-sands. Got 2 spare seats.

Bad weather options include: Hiking (obviously); A plunge into Stanley Ghyll Waterfall (you will be wet already); The Ravenglass and Eskdale narrow gauge railway (train to Ravenglass and walk back via gardens at Muncaster Castle, 20km ish); Cumbria’s nuclear coastline (underrated beaches with rare toads, situated between various nuclear hotspots); Sublime industrial dreamland (Barrow-in-Furness, weird architecture in beautiful landscape, submarines etc.); The Farmers Arms, Lowick Green (Grizedale Arts community inn and café, great cakes, very crafty, amazing studio pottery, excellent beer): Kendal Wall (bit of a mission to get to, but top indoor climbing); Ambleside Gear Shopping (again quite far and too many outdoor shops to visit in one day, but all your gear needs sorted. Many tourists).

Over and out. Whatsapp group to follow on community.

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Hardknott Pass!

Enjoyed the bad weather options write up. Have you considered an alternative career at the Lake District tourism board promoting Cumbrian esoterica? :wink:


Looking forward to the rare toads

I was totally sold on ‘sublime industrial dreamland’

The nuclear fuelled rare toads

I’m afraid I’ve had to take myself off this meet :cry:

Is the spreadsheet current with the number of drivers? I think all the cars going up are full.

Looks as though @LucyJoyce might have a few seats if you are looking to leave Friday PM?

Lucy has confirmed she’s full.

Ahh bugger. Can you join the train crew?