God of Grit: Peak District 1-2 March 2025

As Ben says, we must pay skin tribute to the gods of grit!

Meet type: Lots of bouldering, trad single-pitch (grit) or possibly sport single-pitch (limestone) or even trad (limestone)

When: 1st - 2nd March

Location: Peak District, probably near Hathersage. I need to know how many people are interested so I can look into accommodation

Experience level: anything from none at all to loads, grit is easy to top-rope (with due respect to the rock and other climbers) or lead lots of easy routes on

Skills needed: lead belaying

Equipment required: basic (helmet, harness, belay device, rock shoes) ideally some advanced (prussik loops, slings, carabiners), bouldering mats and crack climbing gloves might be useful. Trad rack if you want it!

Signup: NLMC Peak District Bouldering/ Trad - March 2025

Cheers @harnarday I’ve added all my details. We normally have a member status column I’ve added it in. Excited for this.

Oooh, excited!

Definitely here for the bouldering. It probably won’t be warm enough for trad, but you never know, so I might bring kit if the weather is unseasonably warm…

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This will halve the meet’s average grade, Matt

Very excited for this, also keen to boulder

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What is the plan with accomodation?

Also interested in what the plan for accommodation is - I’m keen but broke

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wanted to see how many people approx we have. Tomorrow I’ll make some calls for e.g. thorpe farm, climbers club hut etc. Would you guys prefer to camp for £££ reasons ?

I’m up for camping personally, it’s always fun and nice to have a solo tent init

Not sure any of the campsites will be open at the start of March, and also likely to be very cold overnight…!

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Second that. There’s also a bunkhouse in Bamford (Homestead & Cheesehouse)
Homestead and Cheesehouse Bunkhouse The Farm, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 0BL

very true. Okay, I’ll make some calls around 1 pm to ask for ~12 places and will update you here. If you have any other suggestions for accommodation, drop it in this thread and I’ll chase it :slight_smile:

There are two bunkhouses under Thorpe Farm that are still available. Pondside and old stables (my preference) which sleep 14 people. £250 per night, so for Fri 28th and Sat 1st, it would be £500 which divided by 14 people is £36 each.

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Sounds good to me. Even with the 9 of us currently on the spreadsheet it’s £55 each. Nice find.

just going to wait a few more hours to get some more okays from the gang before I pay for this!

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Good with me and Bethany!

OK with me too.

And fine with me also

Check oread.co.uk.