thanks tony! booked for the dates we want. I’ve locked in the thorpe farm bunkhouse now
Thanks for signing up everyone. We’ve got four more places in the bunkhouse. here’s a link for the whatsapp group or you can find it through the NLMC whatsapp community WhatsApp Group Invite
Brilliant work @harnarday . I have signed up and cant wait to get on the grit!!
Sorry coming to this a bit late but now free that weekend so keen to join, any chance there’s still a bed at the accommodation ?
@Sean could you enter your mobile on the soreadsheet, or PM it to me, so that we can agree travel arrangements?
Sure - done that now
Hi Peter.
Can you let me know the venue for Saturday, I may be able to join you.
Hi Richard, sure will do.
Hi Richard, we are heading to Stanage Far Right.
Thanks Peter. I hope parking isn’t too much of a problem.
Really enjoyed it today, meeting everyone and fondling grit again. Enjoy the curry. Any plans for venue tomorrow yet?
we are heading to burbage west and north. see ya there!
Hi Martin.
Probably not today as parking will be a nightmare and I can go tomorrow. Great to see you yesterday and have a good day.