Easter climbing Pembroke

Hi @chizharward as we said I will meet you in Tintern carpark at 10am Friday with @hannahlee15. Keep the sun shining for us! :grinning: :sun_with_face::+1:

Hi Andrew

The reason for not booking the pub in Saturday was that Liz and I thought that it might be good to cook on the campsite Sat eve. However, it’s always up for debate….




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All good @peter.harris2 , will bring food etc!

Sadly won’t be making it now, skint. :sob:

Cheers to Hannah and Matthew for the day out in the Wye

And cheers to you too Chiz!

How were Pembroke and the Wye Valley? It was a great party in Yorkshire but not much climbing was done due to cold and rain.

Pembroke was good; not much sun, but very little rain. However, there was a cold & strong wind most day. Overall though, we climbed every day and attended the Range West briefing; can’t wait to return!


