Cornwall Solstice Meet 23/24 June

Pretty soon the nights will be getting shorter and we can start looking forward to the next winter season :wink:. In our club, that moment is marked by the annual Cornwall Solstice Meet. The meet is very well attended so itā€™s a good opportunity, if you are new to the club, to meet members. Itā€™s also a great chance to climb the glorious Cornwall granite sea cliffs.

Most will drive down on Friday evening, returning Sunday evening. We stay in Treen Farm campsite where I have reserved an area for us: no need to book yourself in. Pasties for breakfast and lunch are in order. On the Saturday evening we celebrate the solstice with the giant BBQ that we carry en masse down to Porthcurno beach. Charcoal is provided: bring your own burgers, sausages, marinated skewers, etc. Food buying is organised by the driver.

If you are wanting to come (of course you are), respond to this thread. If you are driving, please say so here and state the number of passengers and departure location. Please respond as soon as possible as the campsite needs to know early next week how much space to reserve for us.

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I am keen! Can bring a rack and meat for grilling, but will need a ride.

Definitely in. One space, going from Bow.

Potential for leaving on Thursday evening (but have to come back Sunday). (@Tutu - fancy some sport climbing in Devon on the Friday?)

Hi there,
Sounds great! We are not in the club yet but my partner Rebecca and I would love to join the meet and bbq! Weā€™ve got a small rack. It would be great if we could join somebody who drives down on Friday evening.

@PaulSagar yeah iā€™m keen, can leave on Thu eve. Didnā€™t know thereā€™s sport climbing in Devonā€¦ could be tempted. what about Portland, itā€™s kinda on the way, or too much detour?

Portland is a good shout actually. Shorter drive on the Thursday, and can then motor on to Cornwall on the Friday evening. Shall we wait and see what the weather is doing, but provisionally plan to do that?

yep sounds good, I keep forgetting about the weatherā€¦ thereā€™s a good wild camping spot under the Battleship cliff, or probably anywhere else as well

Last summer we bivvied on the cliffs by The Cuttings, which was ace. (Better than bivvying in Yorkshire aka The Midgeā€™s Own Country.) Iā€™ll sleep in the van probably but will park up close to a spot you can wild camp?

The caterpillars will love you!

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aha i forget about the pleasures of vanlife @PaulSagar. my tent is tiny so hopefully i wonā€™t have issues with finding a good spot. Battleship will be my preference. whatā€™s that with the caterpillars @dabarlow?

Battleship also my preference! A few ā€˜Top 50ā€™ routes Iā€™ve had my eye on for a while.

@dabarlow is referring to the infestation of itch-inducing caterpillars that descend upon Portland every spring. Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll have turned into lovely butterflies by the time we get there, thoughā€¦

I gather a few weeks ago sections of the Ruckle were still infested, but whilst I know friends who a month or so back got hit quite badly at Portland Iā€™ve not had much sight of them myself.

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Iā€™ve been to Portland three weeks ago but was too distracted by climbing to spot either caterpillars or butterfliesā€¦ Iā€™ve got my eye on one top 50 route at Battleship but 1 day wonā€™t suffice for me to get itā€¦ especially if I want to save some skin for Cornish granite. @PaulSagar do you have the Cornwall guide? is there ā€œthe oneā€?

Iā€™ve got the Rockfax for Dorset and also South West Climbs. The latter is not comprehensive, but should be enough to entertain for a weekend. The former has everything at Portland fully covered.

If you are down at lulworth cove, any chance you could post up about water temps and rock condition after winter?

Will let you know if we swing that way, although I expect we will probably go straight to and from Portland. Thinking about some DWS?

Yeah should be down in August for the normal heckle and design weekend but keen to get some in before to get used to the exposure again

I was down about a fortnight ago. The water isnā€™t warm yet but itā€™s ok especially if you have a rash vest or thin wetsuit top. People are out and about doing stuff and have been I think from early May. Whitsun bank holiday the conditions were pretty good eg on the greasy cave section of the Maypole. We were following chalk.

Good to hear! Bring on the DWS psyche

I am up for the Solstice weekend and can drive from Oakwood tube on the Friday eve, returning Sunday eve; 3 spaces.

