Climbing this weekend 15th and 16th Oct

Khalid and I are keeping an eye on the the weather, could fit in another couple if anyone is interested? Plan flexible built we’d prefer even numbers given the short days and slightly iffy forecast.

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Hi! I’m interested. If there is any one else to join - that would be perfect. Where are you guys considering to go?

I’m interested

Gritstone? Roaches?

I think myself and Paul are going to make the most of this unseasonal warmth and stick with the limestone. Should be at Rubicon on Sunday.


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Great, well that’s a car full. Time for a trawl of the weather sites.

@Vilius & @Liz_Caspar : what time are you available to get away from - assuming it’s tonight? Khalid is driving (I think that’s right!) so he gets to make the plan!

I could move from Greenwich probably any time after 4pm.

I’m interested :blush: but am not set up for trad. I have draws, extenders and a single 60m rope.

I can after 4pm. I have ropes and full rack.

I live in Hatfield so if we are heading North - that would be on our way. Otherwise I can come to a meeting point somewhere else.

Forecast is a bit tricky - don’t see anywhere that is good both days, with most places having showers on Sunday. It might be something or nothing, impossible to tell.

I know Khalid isn’t too keen, but i’ll throw this into the mix - reckon about £100 a head if we did it.

The forecast for the Roaches is almost as good as Font and if you really want, we could take a boulder pad! Seriously, it looks like we’ll be okay to climb if it’s just showers as the wind will be onto the crag.

If everyone says yes, I’ll call the Roaches Bunkhouse and see if we can get in for two nights. We can always transfer east on the Sunday if the weather directs that choice.

I’m happy with that @khalidqasrawi if everyone else is?

It’s perfectly fine.

Maybe even Almscliff? sub millimetre daytime forecast.

But lets agree gritstone trad and I can put all the other guide books and sports climbing gear away!

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Depending on where we go and what suits everyone else, I’m also happy to leave London early tomorrow morning.

Agreed for Gritstone trad. chilly but manageable. Hope everyone has a down jacket!

I have looked into it and I can book the Downes hut - 14 /21 places are available right now.

So no tents? ;(


Okay. Let’s book the hut for 4 people. Leaving from Highbury Station at
4:30pm. Vilius, can you make it there at that time or to Finsbury Park for
4:40pm. That helps save us divert via A1(M).

I’ll do my best to be as early as possible but as I’ve mentioned I’ll be in Finsbury park after 5pm.

If you think diversion over A1(M) won’t save us time, then I can go to, let’s say, St. Albans, which is near M1. I’d be there at ~5pm - I guess, just before you. @khalidqasrawi, what do you think?

OK booked. I was wrong, we are the first, but that doesn’t mean a lot as it’s rare to book.

I am packing a rack and 2 half ropes, so @Vilius @Liz_Caspar you won’t need extra.

Let me know re, the plan for pickup. Currently working towards 4,30pm at Highbury