Castle Monday Night Meets

Perfect, see you there!


Yep great, see you tonight

Hi. I’m planning to be there from 5ish

I’ll probably be there around 7ish

Has anyone arrived yet? I’m in the upstairs leading section in a dark blue rab t-shirt

Just got here, in a black long sleeve t-shirt !

Hi all, hoping to join the goup this year. Is anyone planning on coming to the Castle on Monday (30th Jan)?

I’m an experienced belayer and can bring rope if needed.


Hi, also hoping to find this meet tomorrow! Will be at the castle from 7.

Hi @Karl and @Georgia I should be there from 6ish along with some others and look forward to saying hi to you both. Generally we start in the upstairs lead area but do note that, these days, so do the London Climbers group!

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Hi there,
was hoping to come down and meet some of you guys from the group this Monday if anyone is around. Started climbing again a few weeks ago after an injury and I’m looking for a climbing club!
Currently a castle member and usually there a couple times a week.


Great - see you there!

Who’s planning on coming this week? I’m in the cafe lead area and it’s looking a bit thin on the ground. Can’t spot anyone I know

Sorry, I was absolutely jet-lagged and staying until 7pm was too hard.
I will try to come and meet everyone the coming monday :slight_smile:

Busted my phone during the Working Meet, so apologies if anyone messaged me about climbing tomorrow…I will be at the Castle tomorrow evening, hope to see some peeps there!

me too with rope! :grin:

Afraid I won’t be there tonight, but have a great evening

Anyone at The Castle tonight?

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Afraid I’ve had to miss out too😢

Hi all,

I’m new here, recently moved for work and looking at improving my rope climbing for some more technical mountaineering and climbs. :slight_smile:

I’m going to start coming to the Castle on Mondays and Thursdays after work, but maybe more if anyone is looking for a climbing partner?

Hopefully see you there :slight_smile:

Hi Eddie, nice to ‘meet’ you…there should be a few of us there on the Monday evening even though it’s a Bank Holiday, hopefully catch up then