Summer Newsletter Contributions!


Summer approaches, and so therefore does the summer newsletter.

Please send anything you would like to be included. At present I have:

@khalidqasrawi doing a Pembroke meet write up

@bullopolis poet laureate with a wonderful composition

@HollyP new members report

And I plan on doing some sort of Scotland report, depending on how much Scotland I get to do.

But there is room for plenty more. @Tutu, a report on your extended adventures, perhaps?

Be in touch…

Last call for contributions!

@khalidqasrawi you owe me a Pembroke write-up

@jrtomlins can I have a presidential address?

Other contributions also welcome…

When would you need them by?

Just been to Fairhead, off to Montserrat soon and DWS season is upon us, so I’m sure there’s things I could write about… But it depends when…

End of the week ideally - and don’t worry, I think I’ve got enough for this issues. Plenty of room in the Autumn one though :slight_smile:

Yeah, pester me about autumn of you’re short for that. This week is not going to happen!

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