Spring Newsletter!

Hello everybody,

If you would like to submit anything for the Spring Newsletter, please do so by 28th February.

I’ve got an excellent write up from @HollyP recounting our Dream of White Horses epic, and the long-anticipated NLMC Lookalikes feature will be introduced. But I’d like more! A Scottish Winter Meet write-up would be a particularly good addition, and if anybody has had any other adventures do let me know.

If you have an idea for anything else to include please do get in touch!


Would really like to get something covering the Scottish winter meet! Not least as it was spectacular good luck that you guys managed to pick the only week there was any winter this year.

@Ladislav @johnw1 @mikedlr @Kiwidave - nobody want to write me up something? Doesn’t need to be long, just a couple of hundred words would suffice. Go on…

Bump @DannyTompkins, @Mattia, @katy_c

I’ll have a go at it
