Hi All…
I heard a few people in the club have been having colds recently. I just recovered from COVID-19 ; What’s interesting about this is that I have never had any of the classic COVID symptoms - just a very light cold - I got a test from a research program. Otherwise I would never know. So I just thought I’d make a little post about it:
It seems there are three ways I could have caught it
- Via school - unproven but my best guess
- Indoor bouldering - one single trip - but I’d say this is the most “dangerous” thing I did.
- Volunteering to pick up a prescription
In each case I would have been following the rules pretty strictly. The bouldering was in a place with open air ventilation so only partly indoor. I was wearing a mask all the time while bouldering (that might explain the very light infection). Of course it’s also possible that it was something much rarer like a fleeting bad luck event whilst out getting food. Luckily none of the people I thought I might have infected seem to have it yet.
The point of the story, though is that
- It’s going around
- If you think you have a very light cold, assume it’s COVID and be very careful of your relatives and take care
- It seems that being careful is still profitable
All the best and look after yourselves
N.B. any club member I met in that period, even briefly and with distance already knows full details. I didn’t go to an indoor wall when I would have been infectious.