Pembrokeshire Meet Bank Holiday 28-30 Aug 2021

Hello all,

2 weeks to go to the meet of the year! World class climbing, spectacular coastal scenery and cream teas to boot on an army training area.

The Pembrokeshire coastline offers endless quality rock for trad climbing on steep natural limestone with an abundance of holds and gear placements. It takes five definitive guide books to cover the routes available (there are “best of” guide books too).

Many of the routes require an abseil approach and are quite committing so to get the best out of the meet, make sure you are comfortable with descending and ascending a rope. There are other options that are less demanding of rope work experience. If you have questions, please do ask here or direct message me.

We stay in the campsite at Bosherston which is on the right just after entering the village. £5 a night. I will collect cash from everyone to pay our host. Please bring the correct change. Even better if you can pay me by car. The facilities are simple. Pro tip: bring your own toilet paper.

When it comes to organising food, I think best bet is to do that car by car this time. I think pressure on the pub will be high so book early.

If you are interested in joining, please reply here to say hello. Fill in your details in the official meet spreadsheet.

Some photos to wet your appetite!

Would love to but will be in the lakes that weekend dodging families and rain :joy:

Signed up!

Hi, I was looking at joining NLMC in March 2020…

Did not get a response to initial member enquiry and did not pursue it further after that, have not been on any meets since then for obvious reasons…

As it happens I was thinking of climbing in Pembroke for the BH weekend anyway, seems like good timing to try again with NLMC

Is it alright if I come along? Have a climbing partner lined up for Monday but not for Saturday or Sunday…

Have been climbing for a good few years now, lead up to E1. Have all my own kit and car, would be driving from west London.



@Tom - Hi, good to have another potential new joiner for the club.

I think a few people will be at the Castle on Monday the 23rd August in the evening, why don’t you pop along to meet them first and get a bit of indoor climbing in?

Nice way to get to know us a bit, think the Brownswood is still popular afterwards for a beer.

Thanks for the response…

The Castle is not much use for me as I’m way out in Chiswick and working near Reading currently (I do appreciate it is North London Mountaineering Club…)

As it happens my climbing partner for Monday / Tuesday is keen to go to Portland and it’s a bit of a journey from Pembroke so might have to give this one a miss anyway… but will keep an eye out if there are any further meets. I normally try to get out most weekends one way or another when not working

Who knows I might even make it to the Castle one day… but also would be good to know if there is there anyone here climbing regularly at Westway?

Hi Tom

Sorry things have been very quiet on the new member front / joining - the club has effectively been on hiatus until the end of June this year.

I won’t be going to Pembroke unless the weather in Scotland that weekend totally craps out (possible!), but you’re definitely welcome to come along to meets and get to know people. A shame you can’t make it to the Castle, but the New Members Meet is in September and in fact I think I’m running that one as @HollyP is tied up so do give me a shout if you’re keen. It’s a good one for experiencing the club properties and meeting a lot of existing members.

We - the family- could be up for this. Friday through Sunday.

Welcome @Tom . You are welcome to come on the Pembroke meet. It’s really not that far from Reading and you could outside your partner for Mon and Tue that Portland is no match for Pembrokeshire. If you have any questions about how the club works etc, feel free to ask them here or DM me


Any last minute takers for Pembroke? So far we have George T, Duc, Tom B, Lada and the family Adamson. Organising transport now.

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Hey i would like to join however i am also a new memeber. I would loke to meet some of you this coming Monday at the Castle if anyone is going :grinning:

Hi Charlotte, very much the wrong thread (let me know if you followed a link from somewhere?) but there will be some of us at the Castle on Monday evening I am sure, from about 6ish in the upstairs lead area

Haha no worries. Look forward to meeting you