Time to unveil the meets calendar for 2025 . We’ve got a mixture of usual classic venues and some that haven’t been on the calendar in recent years! As per usual, forum threads with sign-up sheets will be set up for each meet as they come up, so keep an eye out for those throughout the year.
Any questions, queries, comments, feel free to message me directly.
Shout out to all the people who helped organise meets this past year! Thanks @Sian, @Sarah_Rae, @Rich, @LucyJoyce, @Daniel, @johnw1, @FrenchMatt and @L_Pio . Meets are typically organised by various club members and we’re always looking for volunteers! It’s not a ton of work, we really appreciate it, and myself and other experienced club members are always here to help. It basically entails finding and booking somewhere to stay (we can provide suggestions), and typically somewhere to have dinner on one of the evenings. Please get in touch if you fancy helping out for one of the meets in 2025!
As a note, if you are planning to join any meets, please make sure you are familiar with the BMC’s statement of participation:
The BMC recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions. As a BMC affiliated club the NLMC benefits from Combined Liability Insurance - all club members, whose names and addresses we hold, benefit from £15 million Combined Liability Insurance world-wide.
Hey! I’d love to organise/ co-organise the peak district bouldering meet on 1/2 March. If someone has already started on this, please let me know how I can help
We agreed to leave this up to people given the likely variance of times, objectives etc and the relative lack of a need for one person to organise everything, as there are many options for accommodation, huts and locations around Chamonix. Feel free to start a separate thread on it.
Apologies if I’ve got this wrong, but I think I don’t have the appropriate features on my account yet to post a main thread, so replying here.
Going to be a bit of a rush now, but wanted to see who was interested in bouldering in the Peak District on 1/2 March? Just want an idea of numbers, if you have crashpads, and if you can drive / have a car.
Thanks Hanadi! I wouldn’t say this is rushed compared to lots of other trips . Let me see about getting you the right forum permissions and we can make a new thread for the trip
Hi guys,
Just wanted to volunteer to help out (but not be lead organiser as I’m based in Prague at the moment) for the Ailefroide trip. I know the area, have various guidebooks, and speak French…
All best,
Hi Rufus, thanks mate. I guess I’d say that Ailefroide doesn’t usually require much central organisation as we all use the same campsite and many of us have been more than once, but any updates on the situation since last summer (heavy flooding and infrastructure damage) and any new developments would be very useful! You’re welcome to kick off a thread on it whenever if you wish to
So I think the damage on the Ailfroide side was relatively minimal - nothing like what happened on the Véneon side, where it looks like a glacial lake ruptured - and has been fixed since then. Lots of trips logged on camptocamp.org (best resource for area) last summer post-floods.
Of course, it’s possible that there will be floods again this June…