New Members Meet Sept 21-22

Hi gang,

Has anyone signed to to do the breakfasts? As I’m doing dinner, I’d appreciate having breakfast sorted!


Matt B.

Hi Dan
I’m here now. Will try to find you

@MattB hi Matt, do you have space in your car so I can join?

@FrenchMatt Matt, I went to Castle and met Daniel earlier this evening.

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@Tom92 there are still 3-4 people that have not confirmed their presence and if they still need a lift. If they don’t we’ll find a way to get you in one of the cars so you don’t have to drive by yourself.

The deadline for the food order from @MattB is tomorrow (Thursday lunchtime). If you haven’t confirmed your drive/presence by then, you will not be counted for the diner Saturday evening.

Finally because no one else is volunteering for the breakfast, I shall do the shopping but I am expecting hands to help cooking.

Please remember to bring your own sandwiches/snacks/drinks etc.



Yep, put your name in the transport tab of the spreadsheet. I’ll be leaving from Turnpoke Lane 5pm Friday.

@MattB @LucyJoyce @trace does one of you have an extra space in their car to fit @Tom92? I am affraid no one else will be coming up so it wouldn’t fair for him to drive on his own!

I’m very happy to get stuck into breakfast cooking (or dinner), but won’t be able to do the shopping. So great if you can, Matt.
Cheers, Bob.

I think 4 of us in my Honda Jazz is already its max I’m afraid. I’m not sure it even has a middle seat belt

If Tracey or Matt have no extra space, I am happy to come with Tom so he does not drive on his own

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Haha no worries Lucy! I told Johannes to be in touch with Tom as he is looking for a lift. That should workout fine hopefully!

I could fit one more at a push if the johannes-Tom combo doesn’t work out.

Can also technically fit a 5th, but would be v tight so not ideal!

Good morning,

I believe all the lift have been sorted by now.
The good news is, there is at least one member in each car who knows their way to the cottage, which will simplify it all.
I believe Vilnius and Khalid will be in the cottage first so don’t worry about the access code to the door just yet.
Hope you have a pleasant journey to North Wales and see you tonight!


Sorry all, been sitting on the fence on this one waiting to see what work / life does.

Going to bail as now travelling early in the week for work and need to stay sane. Have a lovely weekend. Hope the weather holds :pray:

I’m not leaving South Wales until after 10pm! I might be the last there.

No worries! See you then