New Members Meet Sept 21-22

Hello! Now summer is gone (was it even here?) it’s time to plan the second New Members Meet of the Year!

Please see the note below about prioritising experienced leaders/completely new members in the event the meet is oversubscribed

[New Members Meet - 21/22nd September 24] (

If you are new to the club, please contact Matt Sotiras to arrange to meet at the Castle in advance for a hello and safety check :slight_smile: If the meet is oversubscribed we will prioritise sufficiently experienced leaders and completely new…

Meet type: all kinds - easy trad, hard trad, easy sport, hard sport, scrambling, mountaineering, hiking, bouldering - you want it we got it. Suitable for people with no or little experience of trad climbing, as we will pair you with an experienced club member

Dates: 21/22nd September (most people leaving London afternoon/evening of 20th)

Location: NLMC cottage near Betws y Coed, North Wales. Sleeping bag, towel etc needed. Free for members, £7 p/n for guests. What3words: ///herbs.educates.inflict

Experience needed: any level

Skills needed: lead belaying

Equipment required: basic (helmet, harness, belay device, rock shoes), plus ideally a prussic and spare carabiners for abseils, approach shoes/boots

Transport: car shares, please book a slot with a driver based on when they are leaving that suits you

Food: communal meal Saturday evening, communal breakfasts, please bring your own food for all other meals. Depending on when you arrive on Friday, you can get dinner at the local pub. The cottage kitchen is fully equipped with fridge/cooker/microwave etc.
We will need cooking volunteers for breakfast and Saturday’s diner. More info to follow.

Looking forward to meeting/seeing you all!


NLMC New Members Sec

Places are strictly limited to 22 people. We only have use of the cottage, not the barn too, so everyone will be sleeping in the cottage unless you make other plans. If the meet is oversubscribed we will prioritise new/prospective members who have not been on a meet before.
If the meet is oversubscribed we will also need to ensure we have enough suitably experienced members around to take new/prospective members out.

NB: if you are new to the club you will need to climb with us on a Monday evening at the Castle before the meet, so we can ensure minimum safety & skills are met.

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Hi Matt,

I’m keen. I’ve met Matt G down the castle a couple of months ago - hopefully he can remember me and vouch for my belaying.

I’m an experienced sport climber and am interested in joining the club.


Matt B

Hi Matt,

I would also be keen. Like MattB I also met with Matt G a couple of months ago so my belaying has been checked, but more than happy to swing by on a Monday before the trip again.


Hi Matt, I’d really love to attend, however I still need to swing by and get my belay checked whenever works

El El mar, sept 3, 2024 a la(s) 5:30 p.m., Matthias SOTIRAS via NLMC Chat <> escribió:

Hi all,

@MattB, no worries at all, please put your name down. Same for you @eath2468 just put your name on the sheet and come and meet us either Monday next week or the 16th.

@samthebananman I am sure it is all good Sam!


Hey all! What time to come for the meet at the castle next monday? I tried coming this week to no avail

Sounds good, should be able to come Monday

El El mié, sept 4, 2024 a la(s) 8:43 a.m., Matthias SOTIRAS via NLMC Chat <> escribió:

Hey Morgan,
Sorry you didn’t have any reply for Monday. I will be here next Monday though, from 5-5:30. I should be wearing a red NLMC t-shirt, if not, I will update the Castle chat on the day.
See you then,


roger that, thanks Matt. I’ll try scramble on down for then!

Hi Matt,
I’m interested in joining the club so put my name down for this but I still need to get my belaying checked. I could come to the castle on the 16th if that’s okay?

Hi Olivia,
Yes please, either next Monday or the 16th. See you then!


Less than 2 weeks until the meet!

Transport: the responsibility is on each person to sort out your lift to North Wales. Most people have put their mobile numbers on the spreadsheet to facilitate this, anyone else can send a PM on this forum if needed.

@MattB Just checking if you will need a lift or will you drive to North Wales?

We will need volunteers to make breakfasts and diner!

Breakfast each morning and dinner on Saturday are traditionally communal in the cottage, so this is your chance to wow us with your culinary skills. Each meal will need a veggie option. Please see the spreadsheet for details.

For people buying food for breakfast/dinner, please note the following conditions apply if you want to be reimbursed by the club:

  • cost per head should be no more than £2.50 pp per breakfast / £5 pp for dinner (ie £10 pp total for the weekend)
  • receipts should be clearly photo-ed and sent to Jess (Treasurer) within one month of the meet. The club will not be able to reimburse money for receipts that are missing/lost/late unfortunately.
    So, please keep things minimal/budget version where possible.

Looking forward to see/meet you all!

I hope it goes well for all and Iook forward to reading the write up in this year’s Spring newsletter.

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I’m at the castle now, is anyone here?

For prospective members at the Castle tonight, a few of us are in the bottom well lead wall.

Hi gang,

I’ve negotiated the car so can give folks lifts next weekend. I’ve added myself to the transport tab on the spreadsheet.

I’ll come down the castle tomorrow (Monday) night to meet folk and talk logistics. Happy to help with cooking, but it would be good to know expectations on food.


Matt B.

Howdy. Any room on this or are we full up? Would love to come out. Been ages since I was at the hut!

Hey Martin,
Yes I think it is fine! There are still 3 spots to go and I don’t think any other prospective/new members will add themselves.
I have to belay check a few tonight, and was going to open the last spots to members tomorrow.

Coolio…I’ll be at the wall tonight with rope :grin:

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Hi all,

@MattB thank you so much for driving this weekend! That will be really helpful.
As for the food, it is usually a big curry/chili with rice or something like this. Easy to make/cook. Plus, can make a veggie and meat option.
I will be at the Castle tonight with a Grey Volcom Hawaii T-shirt (most likely in the top lead area).

For everyone, please we need volunteer for the food! And please sort out your commute to the hut!

Looking forward to see you all this weekend.