Mile End Wednesday Night Meets

Anyone heading to the wall this evening?

Anyone planning to head tonight?


Was good to see you tonight. The novelty of interacting with real people who are not work related was obviously overwhelming as I really was a proper chatter box, even by my standards :slight_smile:

Is anyone planning to head down to Mile End this evening? I’ll probably be there from 6.30ish

@James_Archer I’m in town on a Wednesday for the first time in ages. going to head down. I will probably be there quite a bit earlier (4PM?). Have a red NLMC t-shirt which I’ll put on in case anyone who doesn’t know what I look like is searching.

Anyone planning to go to Mile End / The Palm Tree tomorrow evening? If anyone’s up for it I may join. If not I might go to Stronghold or Harlow. Speak now or or for week hold your peace.

Anyone planning on Mile End this week? Some very nice auto belay sets up at the moment if you don’t fancy bouldering…

I’m going to go tonight. Good shout to pack a harness.

What time are you going to be there Max?

By 7 30 I reckon

I’ll be there from 6ish tonight. :grin:

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Hi all - new to the club, will be down at Mile End tonight in the ropes section, let me know if anyone fancies some lead.

Is anyone planning to climb tomorrow evening?
I’d like to come and meet people as a non-member and find out about the club

Hi Will,

I normally would be but can’t this week - climbed yesterday and wrecked myself. There are normally a couple of people around, but it does vary….

Short notice but at Mile End ….now. Lots of new stuff!

Anyone heading to our at mile end today. Not too far away and might drop in if anyone’s at the pub after

Just to say the ME sessions are still happening, looks to be quite a good turn out this week actually! :beers::palm_tree:

Hi @Mark_W. What time will you be at ME this evening? I’m keen to join the club and would like to meet up with some of the members.


@NickM I should be there about 7:00 or so. Normally some other people are there earlier.

Not that helpful as I will likely be one of the many mid 30s guys with a beard knocking about the place! :joy: I should be wearing buckthorn/orange shorts and a green top.

If you get there and don’t spot anyone obvious the staff know us and are happy to put a shout to the NLMC out over the tannoy if you ask them etc.