Harrisons's this Sun 21-Oct

Possibly even more politically exciting than the march on Saturday, some of us are taking one more step and going to Harssion’s on Sunday.

The weather looks good (for October that is) so what better than some low stress top-roping fun. Test yourself against delicate slabs and powerful overhangs. Do bring a matt, a t-shirt to wave at the rock, an old wall rope, some slings, a few crabs. No need for quickdraws, wires, friends, hexes prussics, pulleys, pitons, screws, warthogs! Do bring friends, family, colleagues, beginners, wall rats.

@bullopolis, @Sergio_m_a_c, @dabarlow and I are going. Will update the thread with train times and cars tomorrow or Saturday. Do come and join us. The more, the merrier!


Sorry, I’m into rock climbing.

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My girlfriend and I are heading there too, so hopefully we’ll see you there! What plans do you guys have for transport etc?

Great stuff Tom. We are debating transport mode. There are trains. If like to do train plus bike butI might just drive. Peter said he might go. So did Aurellio. I’m going to see who’s doing what tomorrow morning…

Hi there guys. Train to eridge is easy followed by a nice walk to the crag. allows for a wee dram at the fabulous huntsmans! :wink: leaving in 10 to get there for 10!

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I’m driving. Tom, I can pick you up on Essex Road if you want to come with me.

Thanks for the offer khalid but we’ve headed to high rocks in the end. See you all Wednesday!

No climbing at High Rocks. You should carry on to Harrison’s. We are here already. :grinning::rofl::yum:

BMC access note: August 2018 update: climbing access to High Rocks is currently suspended. Discusions are ongoing with the landowner - please bear with us whilst we try to negotiate a solution.