Cottage wood store. What not to burn

Hi everyone. Just wanted to say a big thanks to Chiz who went up with his chainsaw recently and sacrificed valuable climbing time to cut up a tree that fell close to the shed.

The wood is stacked up by the shed. It is drying out and is NOT ready to be burned and will not be for a while. DO NOT BURN IT.

I will order some more wood in for the winter at the autumn working meet. Until then there is split wood in the left hand bays of the wood shed.



Nice one @chizharward cheers for doing that :+1:


Thanks Chiz!

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Thanks, is a good load of oak there, will be great once it is seasoned. I’ll try and get up at the working meet to finish it all off. I’ll bring more spare chains next time too :frowning:
Thanks for the opportunity to get back in the Cottage, was great to be back