Cottage Re-Opening

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that following the 7th August relaxation of Welsh government rules regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the Committee has decided to re-open use of the Cottage to all members without an advance booking system.

However, in opening the Cottage we expect all members to abide by the following, which are in line with current BMC advice on managing Covid risk:

    1. Do not use the Cottage if you, or anyone in your household, either has symptoms of Covid-19 or has tested positive, or is being advised by the NHS to self-isolate.
    1. When arriving at the Cottage you MUST sign in (this was already a rule, but it is now especially important that we follow it). Please have contact details for any guests that you bring.
    1. When at the Cottage practice good hygiene, e.g. regular washing and sanitising of hands.
    1. Please ventilate the property by keeping windows open when possible (this is a key piece of advice the BMC are emphasising as a risk reduction factor).
    1. If you test positive for Covid-19 after using the Cottage please inform me ASAP so that I can work with track and trace to alert other Cottage users.

Ultimately, the decision to use the Cottage is a personal one, and each of us must exercise personal judgement in weighing the potential risks involved. But as climbers, hopefully we should all already be used to that kind of thing when heading to Wales!

Yours Sincerely,

Paul Sagar

NLMC President



I hope everyone who goes is fully vaccinated.

That’s really great news. Many thanks


This makes me very very happy :blush: