Castle Monday Night Meets (Primary)

I’ll be at the castle later with rope. black camo shorts, white vest. :grin:

Is anyone heading along tonight? I’ve just arrived in London and am really keen to meet some climbers :).

Will anyone be around at the castle tonight? I went last Monday night but couldn’t find anyone!

I’m afraid I’m still recovering from my cold/flu, but hope to start climbing again next week, or maybe later this week.

I will be around from 5:30-6! White NLMC T-shirt.

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Anyone planning on climbing at the castle tomorrow evening, Monday 3rd Feb?

I’d be keen! I’ve just moved to London and looking for nice folks to climb with (and this club looks great!)

I’ll be there from 6ish. Climbing jeans, yellow Wild Country T shirt

see ya there!

Excellent see you there

I will be there around the same time too! See you guys there

Warming up in the mez, red Rab top

Hi guys - first time poster here. Is anyone climbing (lead or boulder) at the Castle tonight? Keen to meet a few people if so!

Hi Alex, sorry did not see your msg.
Can you climb other days ?

Not to worry - should be there next Monday from around 7pm if anyone is about

Hi folks,

This thread is in its tenth year! I had no idea it would last this long when I posted in 2015. To celebrate, I’ll be coming to the Castle tomorrow evening. Looking forward to climbing with NLMC friends old and new.

I’ll be there from 6pm and then in the Brownswood after for a pint.



Hi Khalid,
Sad I am missing you tonight as I can’t come over to the castle. Hope you have a great session and pint!

I’ll be there with a mate tonight at around 6:30pm - would be great to meet some people.

Hi di hi folks! I’ll be popping in to say hello, can top-rope belay if needed too.

See ya later alligator. I’ll be there a bit before 6

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