Castle Monday Night Meets (Primary)

Oh awesome Greg. What time approximately?

I am on my way to the castle! Should be there around 5:30-45ā€¦ volcom hawaii grey T-shirt

Hi- also going to try and go this evening ans introduce myself a hopefully will find you guys. Wearing a v old white Leviā€™s T-shirt or blue long sleeved top. Be there in about 45 mins I think.

awesome all - Iā€™ll be there in about 30

Hey- just checking if you guys are still here. Am bouldering but so far not spotted anyone.

Sorry we missed you guys last weekā€¦

I will be around tomorrow from around 5:30pm. NLMC T-shirt! Come and find me if you are around!

Not gonna be here after all. Absolutely knackered from the weekendā€¦ should be around on Thursday for some bouldering!

I wanna climb today. Any one?

Hey! Iā€™m new-ish to London and keen to get climbing more, are people planning to be at the castle tonight (Monday)? Donā€™t have a rope unfortunately but would love to partner up with someone who does or just top + boulder :slight_smile:

Hi Zoe. Mondays is our main popular night at the Castle. Iā€™ll be there (blue shorts white vest glasses) plus a whole bunch and I am sure there will be enough ropes around. We ask that you have skills in lead belaying and this will need to be checked. See you later

Likewise, Iā€™ll be there, orange t-shirt, main lead area from about 6ish :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™ll be at the wall tonight from 5. blue shorts

Iā€™ll be at the wall tonight from 5.30ish. rope etc. blue shorts

Iā€™ll be today as well, will start a bit later probably!

Will be down the wall bouldering later.

Hi, I moved to London a few months ago and am looking for people to climb with. I am planning on going to the Castle tomorrow and am wondering if anyone will be there/at what time? I donā€™t have a rope at the moment but can lead and toprope and I previously climbed with MKMC. Thanks!

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Hi EllaRose, there should be a few of us there tomorrow evening from about 6ish. Iā€™ll probably be down in the Wells with Holly finishing up a project, look for jeans and a red Goma2/Made in Siurana t-shirt :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Matt, I canā€™t find anyone so Iā€™ll pop back after Christmas :slight_smile:

No worries!

Donā€™t suppose any one is around there today/this evening?