Call for content for Summer newsletter 2023!

Hi All,
I know you’ve all been busy scribbling down about your incredible winter and spring adventures so now it’s time to send them my way pls,
As always any type of content is welcome: poems, drawings, photos, funny bits, serious bits, recipes…
With love,

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hi there. You already have ome of my piccies. Are there any there or type tha you wouldlike to look at and print. cheers. I hope all is well. Allen in Sweltreriung North L0ndon.

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Hi Allen,
I hope you are well too! I have all I need for the Bordy’s blog :slight_smile:
Thanks again for the wonderful pictures,

Hi, could you set some reasonable deadline for the first draft submission? :slight_smile:

What about three weeks?

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A reminder that there is still time to send some articles for the newsletter! Please get in touch to tell the tale of your spring/summer or even WINTER climbs!