Andy Kirkpatrick talks

Rachel and I enjoyed Andy Kirkpatrick’s talk last night in Sheffield. He is in London on November 24th and 25th - I recommend you go. As he freely admits, he’s out of practise of talking on a stage, but even so it’s fun, and he’s bound to have got better by the time he gets to London. If you’re from Hull you might not appreciate his comment about the bridge…

Dates & Tickets (

See UKC article as well UKC Gear - PRODUCT NEWS: ‘Funniest climber’ tours new Mind Your Head theatre show (

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I’ve just booked for Thurs 25th Nov, hopefully we can get a good group going. I went to one of Andy’s talks a few years ago and he was great then, a real laugh.

mate…booked too…i agree…saw him a while ago and he was ace!

Awesome, see you there.