2019 NLMC Calendar

The 2019 NLMC calendar was finally completed at the weekend and sent to the printers. Many thanks to @L_Pio who spent hours on it! Unfortunately, it won’t be quite printed in time for the Christmas curry but I will do my best to send calendars out to you in time for Xmas. If you didn’t order a calendar at the annual dinner and would like one, do please get in touch.

Well done both. Put me down for one. Thx


That’s tantalising; I look forward to my viewing!

If anyone wants a calendar taken to mile end tonight please let me know :slight_smile:

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John, Laura

I’m going to the cottage for New Year so if you want you can bring my calendar there rather than posting it

Cheers Ian

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Will do.

Thanks for the hand delivery last night guys. The calendar looks EXCELLENT - well done!

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Looks great. Can I pick mine up in the new year? Bot climbing at the mo but could get down mile end. M

Could I have another one please, if there’s one spare?

@L_Pio could you bring mine to the cottage at New Year please?

Another excellent, calendar Team JT/Laura! Thanks again for all your perseverance with putting it together.

Hi - any chance of running down some copies of the calendar to mile end tonight please?

Really sorry but not going to be able to get down tonight. Are you at the Bishopsgate RSB office? I can drop it off there tomorrow pm if you’d like.

Hi. Not a stress, not even paid for yet! Another time.


have they been mailed? Not received anything yet…

Are there any calendars left? I missed all these messages and my wall is bare :frowning:

I think there are indeed a few left! @jrtomlins?

Hi laura - I think one of those is mine…

Cool, can I get one? :slight_smile: