Knot geeks! Come share your knot knowledge

I do knot, certainly. How often do you need to put up marquees in the Peak? Actually, that could be good for a family meet…

@khalidqasrawi - can you (re)teach me how to tie a bowline at some point? So useful for sport climbing, but I got out of the habit of tying them and then forgot, and i’m nervous about trying again without supervision…

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Sure, I’m happy to have a go.

btw, I think the hardest knot of all is the trucker’s hitch can anyone teach me how to tie that one?

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@PaulSagar @khalidqasrawi whenever you’re in Spain… I know bowline and trucker’s hitch (mainly to tension tent guy ropes), also hammock and hangman’s knots if you’re interested!

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Behold! A useful instructional video I found for the trucker’s hitch.
It’s important to watch to the end…


That’s so helpful Holly. I just wasn’t dancing, that’s why it went wrong every time!

Minor adjustments can have a major impact, it seems

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They should do a whole series

I find a rolling hitch is handy for stuff like this, but not sure how it would hold up on a slackline.