Charity Film Night - sign up here

2 tickets for me as well please :slight_smile:

I forgot the names sorry ! Elodie Le Roy and Tomasz Szarzynski

@khalidqasrawi did I make the cut? I was the last one to reply before you you said there were no more tickets. Cheers Rich

@eleroy you are 4 and 5 on the reserve list. I expect you’ll get in

@richardgeorgehoward, yes, you’ve got a seat for sure

Hi khalid!

Trust all is well.

Just wanted to check if there is anyone who may have cancelled as one person would like to attend? I understand that you’re all booked up, but would be great if there could be room for one more person, if possible!

Thanks very much - please let me know if possible, and apologies for the short notice.

Hi @Waqas_Zafar. All the guaranteed seats are booked. If you want to chance it tonight, give me the name of the person and I’ll add it to the reserve list but it’s possible that he/she will not be able to get in.

Important: If anyone has booked a seat and can’t come. Please let me know so that I can reallocate your seat.

The name is Emily Vigni.

Thanks so much for this Khalid! Really appreciate the quick response. Would be great if you could ping me of someone cancels. Thanks again!

Well done Khalid for an excellent evening!

Superb night of great films. Well done Khalid for putting it all together.

What a spirited evening that was! Lots of positive feedback. I think it’s safe to say that we’ll be doing it again.

Thank you to the film makers, Paul Diffley, Jen Randall, Adam Hocking and Jonathan Griffith who gave us their brilliant films for the night. The Waterpoet was perfect - it was a really cosy spot for us - I couldn’t recommend it enough.

Thank you also to @Manchi, @jo_keogh and @Tom_L for pushing the message out on social media and helping on the door. Thank you @ednugget for your super poster that stood out on climbing and outdoor venue noticeboards around London.

But mostly, thanks to you for coming and supporting Climbers Against Cancer. Through your generosity, we raised ÂŁ428 for the cause.
If you want to learn more about the charity, checkout

If you are new to the club, we are looking for new members and we want to hear more from you. You can introduce yourself on here or use this venue to organise trips to the climbing walls. Come and join us bouldering at Mile End and/or at The Palm Tree afterwards on a Wednesday evening - we’re a friendly group. You can contact me or @bullopolis directly to hear more about The NLMC, what it can offer you and how to join. For your diaries, we have a New Members Meet and we’ll likely be going to North Wales so you’ll be able to take a look at The Meltdown (9a).

Be safe and thanks to everyone!


Great night, really enjoyed all the films and very slick organisation from Khalid and Co.
Modern equivalent of a talk in the fishmongers arms?

Hi folks. If you came to the film night in Feb and were thinking of joining our club but haven’t quite gotten around to it yet, please note that we are having new members meet for potential new members on 16/17 Sep.

More details here:-